Extract on various lines with logstash

so I just discovered logstash and I managed to extract data from log files. This time, I have to extract information on MULTIlines, I show you an example:

2016-03-07 14:09:11,613 INFO [][com.ole.ecom.jms.crm.JmsCrmSender] Envoi du message ...<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

<root xmlns="http://wlsosb.gjkjdhdfhkllmld.crm/"> <entry>
<clients> <code>8800356499460</code> <raisonsociale>Ole</raisonsociale> <siret>51770313800088</siret> <civilite>M.</civilite> <nom>Aurius</nom> <prenom>Gerard</prenom> <telephone>0614666644</telephone> <email>outiztest+prolivraison@gmail.com</email> </clients>

I have to recover, information on the first line and I must also be able to extract the number in between <code> 8800356499460 </ code> and email between the <email> outiztest+prolivraison@gmail.com </ email >
I created a file conf but it doesnt work , i want to know how can i do a file conf to this type of file (.log) that contains informations on many lines.

if you see how I can do, help me I would be very grateful

Use a multiline codec to join the lines of a multiline event to a single Logstash event, then use the grok filter to extract the various pieces of the log into separate fields, then use the xml filter to parse the XML document.

Myfile conf is a s flow : my grok filters works , but i dont know why my file don't work

input {
file {
type => "HYBRIS"
path => "C:\Users\O6665391\ELK\logstash-2.2.2\multiline.log"
codec => multiline {
pattern => "^%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601}"
negate => true
what => "previous"


filter {
if [type] == "HYBRIS" {
grok {
match => { "message" => "%{YEAR:YR}-%{MONTHNUM:MNTNUM}-%{MONTHDAY:MNTDAY}[ ]%{HOUR:HR}:?%{MINUTE:MIN}:?%{SECOND:SEC} %{LOGLEVEL:LOG}(\s*)[][%{NOTSPACE:CLASS}]( ## )(debut d'envoie de)(\s*)[%{INT:DebENV}]( message pour le flux )%{WORD:FLUX}" }

	  add_field => {
						"haspath" => "yes"
						"endpoint" => "%{FLUX}"
				break_on_match => true
				add_tag => "msgFlux"
				remove_tag => ["_grokparsefailure"]
	grok {
	  match => { "message" => "%{YEAR:YR}-%{MONTHNUM:MNTNUM}-%{MONTHDAY:MNTDAY}[ ]%{HOUR:HR}:?%{MINUTE:MIN}:?%{SECOND:SEC} %{LOGLEVEL:LOG}(\s*)\[\]\[%{NOTSPACE:CLASS}\]((.*)(\n))*(\s*)<order>(\n)(\s*)(<numCommande>)%{GREEDYDATA:NUMCMD}(</numCommande>)" }
	  add_field => {
						"haspath" => "yes"
						"endpoint" => "%{NUMCMD}"
				break_on_matchl => true
				add_tag => "orderCRM"
				remove_tag => ["_grokparsefailure"]
	grok {
	  match => { "message" => "%{YEAR:YR}-%{MONTHNUM:MNTNUM}-%{MONTHDAY:MNTDAY}[ ]%{HOUR:HR}:?%{MINUTE:MIN}:?%{SECOND:SEC} %{LOGLEVEL:LOG}(\s*)\[\]\[%{NOTSPACE:CLASS}\](.*)(\n)(.*)(\n)(.*)(\n)(\s*)<clients>((.*)(\n))*(\s*)(<email>)%{GREEDYDATA:EMAIL}(</email>)" }
	  add_field => {
						"haspath" => "yes"
						"endpoint" => "%{EMAIL}"
				break_on_match => true
				add_tag => "clientCRM"
				remove_tag => ["_grokparsefailure"]


date {
match => [ "timestamp" , "dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss Z" ]

if "orderCRM" not in [tags] and "clientCRM" not in [tags] and "msgFlux" not in [tags] {
drop { }

output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["localhost:8080"]
stdout { codec => rubydebug }


What do you mean by "won't work"? Please give a complete example of input, current output, and expected result.

I show you an example line :
2016-03-07 14:09:31,607 INFO [][com.outiz.ecom.jms.crm.JmsCrmSender] Envoi du message ...<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<root xmlns="http://wlsosb.pointp.saint-gobain.net/hybris_crm/"> <order> <numCommande>00130175</numCommande> <idHybris>8804793647149</idHybris> <numCompteHybris>8803711877124</numCompteHybris> <commandePasseParIdUser></commandePasseParIdUser> <commandePasseParProfil>WEB_PRO</commandePasseParProfil> <produitsAsiles></produitsAsiles> <montantTTC>222.7</montantTTC> <montantHT>192.09</montantHT> <dateCommande>2016-03-07T11:26:16.000+01:00</dateCommande> <horodatageCreation>2016-03-07T11:26:16.000+01:00</horodatageCreation> <horodatageModification>2016-03-07T14:09:24.803+01:00</horodatageModification> <contact>outiztest+wuwu@gmail.com</contact> <coupon>true</coupon> <codeCoupon>COUPON MAI</codeCoupon> <codePromotion>199</codePromotion> <nomCoupon>1000 utilisation</nomCoupon> <reductionCouponTTC>0.0</reductionCouponTTC> <reductionCouponHT>0.0</reductionCouponHT> <reductionCouponHTPercent>0.00</reductionCouponHTPercent> <montantBundle>0</montantBundle> <montantReducBundle></montantReducBundle> <montantReducBundleTTC></montantReducBundleTTC> <lieuPayment>WEB</lieuPayment> <moyenPayment>VISA</moyenPayment> <canalVente>OUTIZ</canalVente>

and I want to get the first line with date ..., and the commande number on this example.
I write my filtre for this type of message as follows :
grok { match => { "message" => "%{YEAR:YR}-%{MONTHNUM:MNTNUM}-%{MONTHDAY:MNTDAY}[ ]%{HOUR:HR}:?%{MINUTE:MIN}:?%{SECOND:SEC} %{LOGLEVEL:LOG}(\s*)\[\]\[%{NOTSPACE:CLASS}\]((.*)(\n))*(\s*)<order>(\n)(\s*)(<numCommande>)%{GREEDYDATA:NUMCMD}(</numCommande>)" }
add_field => { "haspath" => "yes" "endpoint" => "%{NUMCMD}" } break_on_matchl => true add_tag => "orderCRM" remove_tag => ["_grokparsefailure"] }

and input as follows :
input { file { type => "HYBRIS" path => "C:\Users\O6665391\ELK\logstash-2.2.2\multiline.log" codec => multiline { pattern => "^%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601}" negate => true what => "previous" }}}

the problem is that on grokdebug, my filter works but with the .conf file, it doesn't work.
I have no error message, but it does not work

he apparently there's no one to help me .
thank you:sweat:

Questions asked here are typically answered by volunteers and you should set your expectations accordingly.

I don't have time to help further in this thread. Maybe someone else can help out.

okay, it 's okay .
I contiuner my research on my side .

thanks anyway