Facing issues on translate filter

HI Team,
I'm using translate filter to match value with yaml, but those translate is doesnt happen,


translate {
field => "dcn_id"
destination => "restricted_data"
override => true
dictionary_path => "C:\Ganesh\ELK\Latest\check.yaml"

Yaml:(I have tried with various combination)

0201912617621990C: Yes
"0201912617621990C": "Yes"
"0201912617621990C": Yes


0201912617621990C: Yes

gets me

"restricted_data" => true,

Can you try using forward slash instead of backslash in dictionary_path?

where i have to add this line ?

inside of translate filter

No, that's the output of a rubydebug codec after the translate filter has executed and done the lookup.

This is my full config file

input {
	port => 5047

	grok {
match => { "message" => "%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp} \[%{DATA:resource}\] \[?(?<loglevel>[a-zA-Z ]+)\] \[DCN %{DATA:dcn_id}\] %{DATA:info} - ?(?<description>[a-zA-Z0-9\n -`!@#$%^&*':\".,(){}\[\]~]+)" }    
  grok {
match => { "description" => "<cts:GroupNumber>%{DATA:grp_id}<" }    
   date {
match => [ "timestamp", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS" ]
	target => ["timestamp"]
	translate {
		field => "dcn_id"
		destination => "restricted_data"
		override => true
		dictionary_path => "C:/Ganesh/ELK/Latest/check.yaml"

   if [grp_id]
	   elasticsearch {
		  hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
		  index => "restricted_data"
		  query => "type:restricted AND grp_number:%{[grp_id]}"
		  fields => { "restricted_status" => "restricted_data" }
			add_field => {"test" => "%{dcn_id}: Yes"}

output {
	if "test" in [tags]{
	  elasticsearch {
		hosts => ["http://localhost:9200"]
		index => "test_log"
	if [grp_id] 
		       file { 
        codec => line { format => "%{test}"}
        path => "C:\Ganesh\ELK\Latest\check.yaml" 


Can you change the codec on your file output to be rubydebug and show us what an event looks like?

Please find the stdout result for your reference

         "source" => "C:\\Ganesh\\ELK\\Latest\\hsbclogs\\VendoreAdj.log",
      "timestamp" => 2019-05-06T17:11:09.184Z,
          "input" => {
        "type" => "log"
       "resource" => "xxxx: 4",
            "log" => {
        "file" => {
            "path" => "C:\\Ganesh\\ELK\\Latest\\hsbclogs\\VendoreAdj.log"
       "@version" => "1",
     "@timestamp" => 2019-05-13T14:38:17.256Z,
           "tags" => [
        [0] "test",
        [1] "beats_input_codec_plain_applied",
        [2] "_grokparsefailure"
           "info" => "MessageSenderTemplate",
       "loglevel" => "DEBUG",
           "beat" => {
            "name" => "xxx",
        "hostname" => "xxx",
         "version" => "6.7.0"
        "message" => "2019-05-06 22:41:09.184 [ResourceAdapter : 4] [DEBUG] [DCN 0201912617621990C] MessageSenderTemplate - ResponseProducer Generated Message:",
         "offset" => 102299,
     "prospector" => {
        "type" => "log"
           "host" => {
        "architecture" => "x86_64",
                  "os" => {
              "family" => "windows",
            "platform" => "windows",
                "name" => "Windows 10 Enterprise",
             "version" => "10.0",
               "build" => "17763.437"
                  "id" => "0245ced2-6c59-41aa-9f75-7a2bd7aadfed",
                "name" => "xxx"
         "dcn_id" => "0201912617621990C",
    "description" => "ResponseProducer Generated Message:"

When I run that message through that configuration I do get the restricted_data field added to the message. Are you sure you have a matching entry in check.yaml?

yes i've match field in my yaml file.

My concept is in my message i ll get one grp id once if i find the grp id i write the dcn value into my yaml like this,
0201912617621990C: Yes

after that when ever this dcn id comes in my log , i want to write yes value into restricted_data field using translate condition but it doesnt happen why

The problem is that you read the dictionary, then process events and update the dictionary. Due to batching and caching by both ruby and the filesystem, there may be a considerable delay in updating the dictionary. I think you need an in-memory persistent cache, and that can be done using an aggregate filter.

This might work

    aggregate {
        task_id => "%{dcn_id}"
        code => '
            if ! map["seen"]
                map["seen"] = true
                event.set("restrictedData", true)
        aggregate_maps_path => "/home/user/foo.maps"
        timeout => 3600 # Expire entries after 1 hour

Note that you must have '--pipeline.workers 1' set for whichever pipeline runs this.

Am i using correct in my conf

input {
	port => 5047

	grok {
    match => { "message" => "%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp} \[%{DATA:resource}\] \[?(?<loglevel>[a-zA-Z ]+)\] \[DCN %{DATA:dcn_id}\] %{DATA:info} - ?(?<description>[a-zA-Z0-9\n -`!@#$%^&*':\".,(){}\[\]~]+)" }    
  grok {
    match => { "description" => "<cts:GroupNumber>%{DATA:grp_id}<" }    
   date {
    match => [ "timestamp", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS" ]
	target => ["timestamp"]
	aggregate {
    task_id => "%{dcn_id}"
    code => '
        if ! map["seen"]
            map["seen"] = true
            event.set("restrictedData", true)
    aggregate_maps_path => "/home/user/foo.maps"
    timeout => 3600 # Expire entries after 1 hour
   if [grp_id]
	   elasticsearch {
		  hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
		  index => "restricted_data"
		  query => "type:restricted AND grp_number:%{[grp_id]}"
		  fields => { "restricted_status" => "restricted_data" }
			add_field => {"test" => "%{dcn_id}: Success"}

			gsub => ["test", "[\\]", ""]
output {
	if "test" in [tags]{
	  elasticsearch {
		hosts => ["http://localhost:9200"]
		index => "test_log"
	if [grp_id] 
		       file { 
            codec => line { format => "%{test}"}
            path => "C:\Ganesh\ELK\Latest\check.yaml" 

	codec => rubydebug

That looks reasonable.

i'm using above configuration, i'm getting aggregation exception :frowning:

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