Facing issuse while running logstash of ELK version 8.10

i have installed elk in AWS instance with AMI Ubuntu 20.04 and hardware requirement 2vpcu, 4gb ram. i have created a Logstash configuration file like

and created a log file in which contain the access logs when i run the Logstash with the command

bin/logstash -f /etc/logstash/conf.d/logstash-apache.conf
its displaying using jdk bundle /usr/share/logstash/jdk
after that it won't display anything and it get exit from that ssh connection itself ( i mean it will exit from that instance ssh connection )

Actually i have tried the same steps in ELK version 7.15. And it's working! But not in ELK version 8.10 why ?

Can you help me with this!

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