Fail to install beat plugin

I've download from however installation got failed as below. Could anyone help me please?

./logstash-plugin install file:///root/elasticsearch/

Installing file: /root/elasticsearch/
ERROR: Invalid pack for: file:///root/elasticsearch/, reason: The pack must contains at least one plugin, message: The pack must contains at least one plugin

Thank you,

You can't download a zip archive from GitHub and install it. Use the logstash-plugin program to install and upgrade plugins or, if you really have to, download the gem file from

Thank you for your kind answer.

The main problem I have is that logstash does not listen 5044 port after installed with "logstash-6.2.2.rpm". I thought that beats plugin had to be installed however it beats plugin has been installed initially.

[root@cms bin]# ./logstash-plugin list |grep beats

I still don't know the reason why 5044 is not opened.

The main problem I have is that logstash does not listen 5044 port after installed with "logstash-6.2.2.rpm".

Logstash won't do anything at all out of the box. Everything requires configuration.

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