Failed to execute action logstash message=>"Expected one of [ \\t\\r\\n], \"#\", \"{\" at line 9, column 8 (byte 62) after filter {\n json "

I am new to the Elastic stack and tried using the json filter plugin to parse kibana's logs. But adding the filter started throwing this error -

Failed to execute action logstash  message=>"Expected one of [ \\t\\r\\n], \"#\", \"{\" at line 9, column 8 (byte 62) after filter {\n  json "

Here is my logstash.conf -

      input {
        beats {
          port => "5044"

      filter {
        json => { 
           source => "message" 
           target => "kibanaLog"
           skip_on_invalid_json => true
        # my other filters.. 

      output { 
        elasticsearch { 
          hosts => "http://elasticsearch.elk:9200"
          index => "new-index"
          action => "create"
          doc_as_upsert => true

Not sure why Logstash is unable to recognize the json filter plugin.

Hello @Hemabh_Ravee
Welcome to elastic community :slight_smile: !!!

There is a small typo just remove " =>" in json line under filter

 json { 
           source => "message" 
           target => "kibanaLog"
           skip_on_invalid_json => true

Keep Posted!!! Thanks !!!

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Wow I can't believe that's what I was missing. Thanks a lot! @sudhagar_ramesh

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