Failed to start logstash5.6.3 after I terminated it

I'm using logstash5.6.3 to dealing logs, after it show a retryable error which I post it here, then I stop it.
But I can't start logstash again, show a error log like this:

[2017-10-27T08:59:00,544][ERROR][logstash.pipeline        ] Logstash failed to create queue {"exception"=>" Page file size 0 different to configured page capacity 262144000 for D:\\Tools\\ElasticStack\\logstash-5.6.3\\data\\queue\\main\\page.31"}
[2017-10-27T08:59:00,591][ERROR][logstash.agent           ] Cannot create pipeline {:reason=>" Page file size 0 different to configured page capacity 262144000 for D:\\Tools\\ElasticStack\\logstash-5.6.3\\data\\queue\\main\\page.31"}

I checked persistent queue, there is a page.31 which size is 0.
Can anybody help me out?

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