FastAPI display "No data to display" in Kibana #903

Kibana version:8.2.0

Elasticsearch version:8.2.0

APM Server version:8.2.0

APM Agent language and version: fastapi 0.83.0

After integrating the FastAPI service with APM, Kibana shows "No data to display." While CPU and memory metrics are visible on the metrics page, all other metrics are empty.
Elasticsearch, Kibana, and APM Server are self-hosted, and other services like Java and Flask are connecting successfully. The FastAPI configuration is as follows.

from elasticapm.contrib.starlette import ElasticAPM, make_apm_client
proxy_server = ReadConfigsSingleton().get_proxy_server_python_arithmetic()
app = FastAPI(title="服务接口",
              servers=[{"url": proxy_server, "description": "代理地址"}])

apm = make_apm_client({
    'SERVICE_NAME': 'python-dev',
    'SERVER_URL': '',
    'ENABLED': 'true',  
    'DEBUG': True,       
    'LOG_LEVEL': "error",

app.add_middleware(ElasticAPM, client=apm)

def read_root():
    return {"线上文档地址": "",
            "本地文档地址": "",
            "调试文档地址": ""}
if __name__ == "__main__":, host="", port=8000)

Hello, could you please clarify what do you mean with "all other metrics"? Is tracing working?