Fetching specific fields in ES 5.X Java client API

The document source contains the content you sent over the API, so you see the long value in return when you sent a long. In Java, you can extract those values by hit.sourceAsMap().get(...)

Accessing a field of a specific type over the Java API is controlled by the value conversions of Elasticsearch mapping specification. So you will see the expected date format because of the date type in the mapping.

If you index dates before Jan 1, 1970:, e.g.

field("doc_date", -9184838400000 )

you will get negative long applying toEpochMilli() as specified by the java.time.Instant class.

SearchResponse response = client.prepareSearch()

println response

response.hits.hits.each { hit ->
    println hit.sourceAsMap().get("doc_date")  // numeric
    println hit.fields.get("doc_date").value() // date string
    Instant instant = Instant.parse(hit.fields.get("doc_date").value())
    long millis = instant.toEpochMilli() // parsed date
    println millis

This will give a result like


Note the difference between _source and doc_date.