Field and Value missmatch Paolo Alto OS11 paring Logstash > Elastic > Kibana

i'm a new logstash and trying to parsing log from my firewall PAN_OS 11 but the field and value dose not match, such as field "NAT Destination IP" get value from the "Rule Name"

Thanks a lot for any hlep


You should start to read the following Logstash configuration examples | Logstash Reference [8.11] | Elastic

I'm not sure how can we help you since you did not provide any logstash elements.

You should take a look into your configuration try to understand the parsing and the logs coming in.

Feel free to ask any question !

Welcome to the community Trung

You should use csv plugin to parse the message. There is many samples on

Please do not post the pic, the text format is more usable.

thank a lot for quick reply, I got the log and working on it now.

thank a lot for your reference, I got the csv log and working on it to apply the csv filter. I do not know why Paolo Alto syslog reference add "FUTURE_USE" in there log parsing that why it can not convert to the right csv in to logstash :smiley:

If you do not need field, you can remove it by using mutate{ remove_field... or you use the prune filter.

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