Filbeat exclude and multiline configuration

Example Events -

2020-06-11 09:46:50.3836,7,Logs.Shared.ServiceBehaviors.ServiceExceptionHandlerBehavior,Debug,applying ServiceExceptionHandler to UsersService
2020-06-11 10:48:58.2763,7,Logs.Shared.ServiceBehaviors.ServiceExceptionHandlerBehavior,Debug,applying ServiceExceptionHandler to UsersService
2020-06-11 12:09:19.0674,10,Logs.Shared.ServiceBehaviors.ServiceExceptionHandlerBehavior,Debug,applying ServiceExceptionHandler to UsersService
2020-06-11 13:04:28.3982,10,Logs.Shared.ServiceBehaviors.ServiceExceptionHandlerBehavior,Debug,applying ServiceExceptionHandler to UsersService

I am trying to exclude the line time,thread,logger,level,message and at the sametime, I may have multiple lines to the original event.

I'm using the following processor, so that all the log files as inputs are affected -

  - drop_event:
          message: "^time|.*Signal.*|.*MetricsErrorHandler.*"

I also tried exclude lines, but the events time,thread,logger,level,message are getting appended to the log event of interest.

  multiline.pattern: '^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}'
  multiline.negate: true
  multiline.match: after

Appreciate any ideas / help.

I'm not sure about the internals of Filebeat in this case, but I'll try making a less strict pattern. Maybe remove the ^ in ^time| and simply write time,thread,logger,level,message directly.

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