File input and file output line count mismatch

Input data:
Input data is a static file containing 10 lines of accesslogs.
If there is a way to share a file, please let me know, i can share the input file.


input {
file {
sincedb_path => "/opt/analytics/logstash/sincedb/da_neat.sincedb"
path => ["/opt/analytics/logstash/conf/neat_test"]
start_position => "beginning"
exclude => "*.gz"
type => "da_neat"

output {
codec => "plain"
path => "/opt/analytics/logstash/data/da_neat/da_neat02-%{+YYYY-MM-dd-HH}.json"

#1: With the above input and config i get 9 lines in output instead of 10. This is happening with any file. Not sure why it skips the last line always.
#2: After adding grok,urldecode and kv filters, i got 10 records which matches the input line count, which is good.
grok {
match => { "message" => "%{DATA:remote_addr} %{DATA:attr1} %{DATA:remote_user} [%{HTTPDATE:server_timestamp}] "%{DATA:attr2}" %{NUMBER:status} (?:%{NUMBER:body_bytes_sent}|-) "%{DATA:http_referer}" "%{DATA:http_user_agent}" "%{DATA:http_x_forwarded_for}" "%{DATA:request_body}"" }

    kv { source => "request_body"
            field_split => "&"

   urldecode {
            all_fields => "true"

#3: Then i added the date filter to match a key in the log. This results in first and seventh record missing in the output(total 8 records in output).

    date {
            match => [ "server_timestamp", "dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss Z" ]

#4: Added mutate to remove unwanted fields:
mutate {
remove_field => [ "message","@version","type","host","path","request_body","attr1", "attr2", "status", "body_bytes_sent", "http_x_forwarded_for" ]
This further decreased the output line count to 6.

Can someone please help me understand this behavior of logstash.

Mihir Ray

Are you deleting the sincedb file between each test run, or how are you getting Logstash to reprocess the file?

Yes, i am dropping the sincedb file between each run.

The file output only flushes periodically, and only decides to flush after each write, which means if it flushes, and 2 new events are received but the flush interval hasn't expired, those 2 events won't be flushed.

Try observing using the stdout output instead, which doesn't buffer.