File input not working

I am looking to use logstash to ingest a csv file that contains some stats and then graph them. I have setup a file input but I am unable to get it to work.

My logstash config is
input {
file {
path => "C:\logstash-6.4.2\files*.csv"
start_position => "beginning"
filter {
csv {
columns => ["Action","Apdex","Count","Avg (ms)","SD (ms)","Min (ms)","Max (ms)","Total (ms)","Total (% time)","Dissat (%)"]
separator => ","
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => [""]
index => "stats-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"
template_overwrite => true
stdout { codec => rubydebug }

am I doing something incorrectly?

Are you getting any error messages?

unfortunately not.

the logstash logs show logstash starts ok but it does not process anything and i'm unsure why.

Then it's most likely one of two things:
Your path does not contain the files that match your path pattern.
-Check your path and files to make sure that they are ok.
The sincedb is showing that all files have been processed
-Delete the .sincedb file and restart logstash, if that works then you'll need to add some additional parameters to your config like setting the sincedb_path to NUL.

Following the steps above setting the sincedb_path to "NuLL" and checking the files all seemed ok. I then placed the logstash logs in debug I received the following in a loop
2018-12-02T22:59:01,649][DEBUG][logstash.instrument.periodicpoller.cgroup] One or more required cgroup files or directories not found: /proc/self/cgroup, /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuacct, /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu

Downgrading to ELK 6.0.0 resolved the problem but now the csv has now uploaded ok.

I have uploaded the file ok and I have added a mutate convert to the config but when imported it makes the columns 0 .
The file has columns like col1:16591.07535,col 2: 2310, col3: 7950,col4: 1.5, col5: 180000, col6: 38300000
but when imported to elastic it shows 0.
The mutate section of config is
convert => {
"Apdex" => "integer"
"Count" => "integer"
"Avg (ms)" => "integer"
"SD (ms)" => "integer"
"Min (ms)" => "integer"
"Max (ms)" => "integer"
"Total (ms)" => "integer"
"Total (% time)" => "integer"
"Dissat (%)" => "integer"
What am I doing incorrectly?

Make sure to change the path from
path => "C:\logstash-6.4.2\files*.csv"


path => "C:/logstash-6.4.2/files*.csv"

Hope this helps you,


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