Filebeat 5 decoding json probrom

I test the filebeat-5.0.0_alpha4-1 and found it show many logs like that:

2016/08/09 07:28:35.013208 json.go:38: ERR Error decoding JSON: invalid character ',' in numeric literal
2016/08/09 07:28:35.013277 json.go:38: ERR Error decoding JSON: invalid character ',' in numeric literal
2016/08/09 07:28:35.013487 json.go:38: ERR Error decoding JSON: invalid character ',' in numeric literal
2016/08/09 07:28:35.013706 json.go:38: ERR Error decoding JSON: invalid character ',' in numeric literal
2016/08/09 07:28:35.014700 json.go:38: ERR Error decoding JSON: invalid character ',' in numeric literal
2016/08/09 07:28:36.017146 json.go:38: ERR Error decoding JSON: invalid character ',' in numeric literal
2016/08/09 07:28:36.017305 json.go:38: ERR Error decoding JSON: invalid character ',' in numeric literal
2016/08/09 07:28:36.017503 json.go:38: ERR Error decoding JSON: invalid character ',' in numeric literal
2016/08/09 07:28:36.018525 json.go:38: ERR Error decoding JSON: invalid character ',' in numeric literal
2016/08/09 07:28:36.020624 json.go:38: ERR Error decoding JSON: invalid character ',' in numeric literal
2016/08/09 07:28:36.023530 json.go:38: ERR Error decoding JSON: invalid character ',' in numeric literal
2016/08/09 07:28:36.023752 json.go:38: ERR Error decoding JSON: invalid character ',' in numeric literal
my json data like this :

"@timestamp": "2016-08-09T08:33:57+08:00",
"remote_addr": "",
"remote_user": "-",
"body_bytes_sent": "0",
"request_time": 0.002,
"status": "302",
"request": "GET /xywh/oauth/oauthCheck?key=classalbum_list&cropId=wx994c4cbbe6942221 HTTP/1.0",
"request_method": "GET",
"http_referrer": "-",
"http_x_forwarded_for": ",,",
"http_x_real_ip": "",
"bytes_sent": 352,
"upstream_response_time": 0.002,
"http_user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0; PRO 6 Build/MRA58K) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/ Mobile MQQBrowser/6.2 TBS/036555 Safari/537.36 MicroMessenger/ NetType/WIFI Language/zh_CN"

what's wrong with it?

The current json support requires the complete json document to be on one line.

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