Filebeat 7.4, decode_cef getting error malformed value

I using Filebeat 7.4 and using the decode_cef processors.
And I getting error "malformed value for eventAnnotationAuditTrail at pos 2165"
After checking the raw source, the position 2165 is the "\n"

eventAnnotationModificationTime=1570414373145 eventAnnotationAuditTrail=1,1565146359654,root,Queued,,,,\n eventAnnotationVersion=1 

Here is my filebeat.yml configuration

- type: tcp
  line_delimiter: "\r\n"
  host: ""

- rename:
      - {from: "message", to: "event.original"}
- decode_cef:
    field: event.original
    ecs: false

  hosts: ["localhost:5155"]
  loadbalance: false
  index: filebeat

Any idea to fix this?

Thank you.

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