Filebeat and metricbeat as daemonset with eck


I've deployed an eck elastic cluster and now I'd like to enable the metricbeat and filebeat daemonsets.
The daemonsets are however complaining the x509 certificate is not trusted. I'd prefer to somehow reference the CA utilizing the already defined secrets by ECK, but I could use some help with that. I'm not quite sure what the best approach is here. Anybody already got this working?

Hey @ikaposi,

This should help:
It contains manifests for Filebat and Metricbeat as deaemonsets to connect to an ECK-managed Elasticsearch with the existing certificates mounted in.


Not only was that the perfect solution for my question, it also addressed my follow up questions (how to use variables only once and how to mount them, as I am still a k8s noob).

Huge thanks (this status took my half a day :slight_smile: )

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THis saved my day. Thank you very much.

ECK now has official support for Beats (filebeat and metricbeat included).
It simplifies the setup and maintenance a lot :slight_smile: