[Filebeat] AWS module & ELB fileset, not parsing message

Hi there !
I've been setting the aws module and the ELB fileset with it, and got it mostly working.
It reads the SQS Queue, then get the matching log on S3 side, but it doesn't parse the Access Log message at all.

Im running Filebeat in K8s, using official image docker.elastic.co/beats/filebeat:7.9.2.

Here is my config :

      - module: aws
          enabled: true
          var.queue_url: https://sqs.{{ aws_region }}.amazonaws.com/{{ aws_account_id }}/{{ sqs_queue_name }}
          var.shared_credential_file: /etc/filebeat/aws_credentials
          credential_profile_name: default
          var.visibility_timeout: 300s
          var.api_timeout: 120s
        cloudtrail.enabled: false
        cloudwatch.enabled: false
        ec2.enabled: false
        s3access.enabled: false
        vpcflow.enabled: false
        enabled: true

Here is a sample output :

   "message":"2020-09-30T22:49:17.793407Z aa4ac2f5ea65111eaa5a30e9585490a4 ??.??.??.??:46312 ??.??.??.??:31184 0.00003 0.014323 0.000057 200 200 0 356 \"GET http://????.lan:80/???????/?list-type=2&prefix=repositories%2Fnone%2Fdataset%2Ffull_content&fetch-owner=false HTTP/1.1\" \"aws-sdk-java/1.11.415 Linux/4.14.186-146.268.amzn2.x86_64 OpenJDK_64-Bit_Server_VM/11.0.6+10-LTS java/11.0.6\" - -",

As you can see, there are no aws.elb fields created, even if dataset: "aws.elb" and "pipeline":"filebeat-7.9.2-aws-elb-pipeline" are correct.

@Kaiyan_Sheng would you have 5min to look at it ?
I've seen you already answered to similar problems in here :slight_smile:

@Salim_B Hello! Very interesting case! What kind of load balancer is this? Classic or Application load balancer or Network load balancer? We have different grok patterns to parse different kinds of elb logs so probably we are hitting something we don't support or a bug in the pattern :slight_smile:

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@Kaiyan_Sheng thx for that quick answer :slight_smile:
The logs are from classic ELB. And the one in the exemple is a TCP one.

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Thank you! I will try to reproduce this problem locally with the sample log:

2020-09-30T22:49:17.793407Z aa4ac2f5ea65111eaa5a30e9585490a4 ??.??.??.??:46312 ??.??.??.??:31184 0.00003 0.014323 0.000057 200 200 0 356 \"GET http://????.lan:80/???????/?list-type=2&prefix=repositories%2Fnone%2Fdataset%2Ffull_content&fetch-owner=false HTTP/1.1\" \"aws-sdk-java/1.11.415 Linux/4.14.186-146.268.amzn2.x86_64 OpenJDK_64-Bit_Server_VM/11.0.6+10-LTS java/11.0.6\" - -

Alright, many thanks !
If needed I could provide in private some real lines without replacing our IPs and FQDNs by ? :smiley:

Hi @Salim_B I tried to reproduce it locally and seems like there is some incompatibility between your sample log and the grok pattern we have for ELB. Do you mind creating a github issue for this please? I will add it to our roadmap :slight_smile: Thank you!!!

Done here : https://github.com/elastic/beats/issues/21522 :wink:

@Kaiyan_Sheng any chance to see a fix appear in a 7.9.3 release ? :angel:

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