Filebeat consumes all memory


I have the following setup to ingest logs from s3.

  1. filebeat pulls data from s3 and sends it to logstash.
  2. logstash ingests into elastic.

The problem is after a while (usually a day or two) filebeat consumes all server memory until oom gets triggered and the kernel kills filebeat. Box has 128gb memory with around 64gb dedicated to filebeat...

Bellow is filebeat and logstash configuration. Obscuring keys, endpoints and domains.

Please advise how to approach this.



  enabled: true
  cluster_uuid: "_7KKV20eSemBTs_BxXfs6A"
    hosts: "elasticsearch:9200"
    username: elastic
    password: changeme

  events: 4096
  flush.min_events: 512
  flush.timeout: 30s

  max_size: 100GB

  - type: aws-s3
    bucket_arn: arn
    number_of_workers: 5
    endpoint: https://endpoint
    access_key_id: key
    secret_access_key: key
    tags: [ "stage" ]

  - type: aws-s3
    bucket_arn: arn

    ignore_older: 3h
    clean_inactive: 4h
    close_inactive: 1m
    scan_frequency: 2m
    harvester_limit: 5

    number_of_workers: 8
    access_key_id: key
    secret_access_key: key
    bucket_list_prefix: ""
      - regex: ""
      - regex: ""
      - regex: ""
      - regex: ""
      - regex: ""
      - regex: ""
      - regex: ""
      - regex: ""
      - regex: ""
      - regex: ""
      - regex: ""
      - regex: ""
    tags: [ "other" ]

  - type: aws-s3
    bucket_arn: arn

    ignore_older: 3h
    clean_inactive: 4h
    close_inactive: 1m
    scan_frequency: 2m
    harvester_limit: 5

    number_of_workers: 8
    access_key_id: key
    secret_access_key: key
    bucket_list_prefix: ""
      - regex: ""
      - regex: ""
      - regex: ""
      - regex: ""
      - regex: ""
      - regex: ""
      - regex: ""
      - regex: ""
      - regex: ""
      - regex: ""
      - regex: ""
    tags: [ "domain" ]

  - type: aws-s3
    bucket_arn: arn

    ignore_older: 3h
    clean_inactive: 4h
    close_inactive: 1m
    scan_frequency: 2m
    harvester_limit: 5

    number_of_workers: 8
    access_key_id: key
    secret_access_key: key
    bucket_list_prefix: ""
      - regex: ""
      - regex: ""
      - regex: ""
      - regex: ""
      - regex: ""
      - regex: ""
      - regex: ""
      - regex: ""
      - regex: ""
      - regex: ""
      - regex: ""
    tags: [ "more" ]

  - decode_json_fields:
      fields: [ "message" ]
      process_array: false
      max_depth: 10
      target: ""
      overwrite_keys: true
      add_error_key: false
  - fingerprint:
      fields: [ "message" ]
      target_field: "@metadata._id" "http://kibana:5601"

  hosts: [ "logstash:5044" ]


input {
  beats {
    port => 5044
    include_codec_tag => false
    client_inactivity_timeout => 120

## Add your filters / logstash plugins configuration here
filter {
  date {
    match => ["EdgeStartTimestamp", "ISO8601", "UNIX", "UNIX_MS"]
  useragent {
    # ecs_compatibility => v8
    source => "ClientRequestUserAgent"
    target => "ParsedUserAgent"
  grok {
    match => {"ClientRequestPath" => "/%{WORD:api}/%{WORD:api_version}/%{WORD:functionality}/%{WORD:sub_functionality}"}
  mutate {
    convert => {"EdgeResponseCompressionRatio"=>"float" }
  if "_grokparsefailure" in [tags] {
    mutate {
      remove_tag => ["_grokparsefailure"]
      add_field => {"_grokparsefailure" => "true"}
output {

if "other" in [tags] {
        elasticsearch {
          hosts => "elasticsearch:9200"
          user => "elastic"
          index => "domain-logs-%{+yyyy-MM}"
          password => "changeme"
          ecs_compatibility => disabled
    } else if "other" in [tags] {
        elasticsearch {
          hosts => "elasticsearch:9200"
          user => "elastic"
          index => "other-logs-%{+yyyy-MM}"
          password => "changeme"
          ecs_compatibility => disabled
    } else if "another" in [tags] {
        elasticsearch {
          hosts => "elasticsearch:9200"
          user => "elastic"
          index => "another-logs-%{+yyyy-MM}"
          password => "changeme"
          ecs_compatibility => disabled
    } else if "stage" in [tags] {
        elasticsearch {
            hosts => "elasticsearch:9200"
            user => "elastic"
            index => "stage-logs"
            password => "changeme"
            ecs_compatibility => disabled


docker stats

CONTAINER ID   NAME                      CPU %     MEM USAGE / LIMIT     MEM %     NET I/O           BLOCK I/O         PIDS
3764f82c7c4c   filebeat                  147.32%   53.78GiB / 125.7GiB   42.78%    49.8GB / 6.74GB   34.6MB / 833GB    40
1aeb8e2c27da   nginx                     0.00%     29.63MiB / 125.7GiB   0.02%     29.3MB / 35.5MB   51.7MB / 20.5kB   33
671370e801fb   zotaelk_logstash_1        0.46%     24.21GiB / 125.7GiB   19.26%    71.9GB / 598GB    3.55TB / 112MB    218
d1cc2eafd36e   zotaelk_kibana_1          1.79%     403.2MiB / 125.7GiB   0.31%     1.45GB / 1.7GB    660GB / 4.1kB     12
296ea56bd26f   vouch-proxy               0.00%     16.98MiB / 125.7GiB   0.01%     7.5MB / 1.08MB    186GB / 0B        27
f87849d812f6   cloudflared               0.14%     32.68MiB / 125.7GiB   0.03%     93.6MB / 105MB    1.65TB / 0B       37
80d4d5e9955d   zotaelk_elasticsearch_1   3.09%     35.19GiB / 125.7GiB   27.99%    599GB / 3.07GB    4.16TB / 1.62TB   271

I don't know a lot about this area, but how many s3 buckets are you pulling in from? Cause Filebeat needs to track these and that might be what is taking all the memory?

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