Filebeat decode_json_fields isn't parssing arrays


We are using filbeat processor decode_json-fields to process log messages in Json.
The problem we're having is that some of our logs are multi-layered with quite a few arrays and some nested objects. We tried using decode_json_fields with the process_array flag set to true, but Filebeat still parce everything that follows '[' in a single field.

This is what we get on Kibana's Discovery:

 @timestamp                   Oct 28, 2019 @ 12:22:06.610
 t _id                        pKEaEm4B7zyLz8s9M8Xe
 t _index                     filebeat-7.3.2-2019.10.28-000001
 # _score                     -
 t _type                      _doc
 t agent.ephemeral_id         7c3cd7b7-2f76-424e-a417-5aa82f119bed
 t agent.hostname             ******
 t                   571154fa-e864-49b1-a224-9d405befeddf
 t agent.type                 filebeat
 t agent.version              7.3.2
 ? circuitPath                { "policy": "Health Check LB", "execTime": 0, "filters": [ { "class": "com.vordel.circuit.attribute.CompareAttributeFilter", "status": "Pass", "filterTime": 1557733771853, "execTime": 0, "espk": "PrimaryStore-43595d15-05f6-4135-aa9a-e8b9b2a35bda:-439438454261778670", "name": "Compare Attribute", "type": "CompareAttributeFilter" }, { "execTime": 0, "espk": "PrimaryStore-43595d15-05f6-4135-aa9a-e8b9b2a35bda:-6704867506249825459", "name": "Set Message - OK", "type": "ChangeMessageFilter", "class": "com.vordel.circuit.conversion.ChangeMessageFilter", "status": "Pass", "filterTime": 1557733771853 }, { "execTime": 0, "espk": "PrimaryStore-43595d15-05f6-4135-aa9a-e8b9b2a35bda:-5308572925601299001", "name": "Reflect - OK", "type": "ReflectFilter", "class": "", "status": "Pass", "filterTime": 1557733771853 } ] }
 ? correlationId              *******************
 t ecs.version                1.0.1
 t                  *****
 t input.type                 log
 t log.file.path              *****
 # log.offset                 747,788
 ? processInfo.domainId       *******************
 ? processInfo.groupId        group-2
 ? processInfo.groupName      ******
 ? processInfo.hostname       f3slsea310
 ? processInfo.serviceId      instance-6
 ? processInfo.serviceName    ******
 ? processInfo.version        7.6.2 SP1
 suricata.eve.timestamp       Oct 28, 2019 @ 12:22:06.610
 ? timestamp                  1557733771854

As you can see, the minute Filebeat gets to the nested array "circuitPath" it parsses everything in a single field until the array is closed.

Here is an example of one of the logs that we're having a problem with :

{"timestamp":1557733646862,"correlationId":"***************","processInfo":{"hostname":"f3slsea310","domainId":"*******************","groupId":"group-2","groupName":"*****","serviceId":"instance-6","serviceName":"*******","version":"7.6.2 SP1"},"circuitPath":[ { "policy": "Health Check LB", "execTime": 0, "filters": [  { "espk": "PrimaryStore-43595d15-05f6-4135-aa9a-e8b9b2a35bda:-439438454261778670", "name": "Compare Attribute", "type": "CompareAttributeFilter", "class": "com.vordel.circuit.attribute.CompareAttributeFilter", "status": "Pass", "filterTime": 1557733646861, "execTime": 0 } , { "espk": "PrimaryStore-43595d15-05f6-4135-aa9a-e8b9b2a35bda:-6704867506249825459", "name": "Set Message - OK", "type": "ChangeMessageFilter", "class": "com.vordel.circuit.conversion.ChangeMessageFilter", "status": "Pass", "filterTime": 1557733646861, "execTime": 0 } , { "espk": "PrimaryStore-43595d15-05f6-4135-aa9a-e8b9b2a35bda:-5308572925601299001", "name": "Reflect - OK", "type": "ReflectFilter", "class": "", "status": "Pass", "filterTime": 1557733646861, "execTime": 0 }  ] } ]}


   - decode_json_fields:
       fields: [message]
       max_depth: 11
       process_array: true
       overwrite_keys: true

Have you tried setting max_depth? See more:

Hi @kvch,

Yes, i have tried max_depth but it didn't change anything. I even tested multiline so that maybe it'll process the array located in the middle of the log but it just made things worst.

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