Filebeat does not read new lines

I'm currently using a 6.4 ELK stack and 6.4 Filebeat on a other server.

A squid is running and the access.log get new lines but Filebeat is not able to read it.
I even tried to "echo >>" the file but Filebeat just read nothing.

here is the filebeat conf

- type: log
  enabled: true
    – /var/log/squid/access.log
  hosts: [""]
logging.level: debug

Filebeat load the input correctly

2018-09-19T15:31:01.031+0200    INFO    instance/beat.go:273    Setup Beat: filebeat; Version: 6.4.0
2018-09-19T15:31:01.031+0200    DEBUG   [beat]  instance/beat.go:290    Initializing output plugins
2018-09-19T15:31:01.031+0200    DEBUG   [processors]    processors/processor.go:66      Processors:
2018-09-19T15:31:01.034+0200    DEBUG   [publish]       pipeline/consumer.go:137        start pipeline event consumer
2018-09-19T15:31:01.034+0200    INFO    pipeline/module.go:98   Beat name: squid
2018-09-19T15:31:01.035+0200    INFO    instance/beat.go:367    filebeat start running.
2018-09-19T15:31:01.035+0200    DEBUG   [registrar]     registrar/registrar.go:114      Registry file set to: /var/lib/filebeat/registry
2018-09-19T15:31:01.036+0200    INFO    registrar/registrar.go:134      Loading registrar data from /var/lib/filebeat/registry
2018-09-19T15:31:01.036+0200    INFO    registrar/registrar.go:141      States Loaded from registrar: 0
2018-09-19T15:31:01.036+0200    WARN    beater/filebeat.go:371  Filebeat is unable to load the Ingest Node pipelines for the configured modules because the Elasticsearch output is not configured/enabled. If you have already loaded the Ingest Node pipelines or are using Logstash pipelines, you can ignore this warning.
2018-09-19T15:31:01.036+0200    INFO    crawler/crawler.go:72   Loading Inputs: 1
2018-09-19T15:31:01.036+0200    DEBUG   [processors]    processors/processor.go:66      Processors:
2018-09-19T15:31:01.037+0200    DEBUG   [input] log/config.go:201       recursive glob enabled
2018-09-19T15:31:01.037+0200    DEBUG   [input] log/input.go:147        exclude_files: []. Number of stats: 0
2018-09-19T15:31:01.037+0200    DEBUG   [input] log/input.go:168        input with previous states loaded: 0
**2018-09-19T15:31:01.037+0200    INFO    log/input.go:138        Configured paths: [/– /var/log/squid/access.log]**
2018-09-19T15:31:01.037+0200    INFO    input/input.go:114      Starting input of type: log; ID: 1805975221398277003
2018-09-19T15:31:01.037+0200    INFO    crawler/crawler.go:106  Loading and starting Inputs completed. Enabled inputs: 1
2018-09-19T15:31:01.038+0200    INFO    [monitoring]    log/log.go:114  Starting metrics logging every 30s
2018-09-19T15:31:01.038+0200    DEBUG   [registrar]     registrar/registrar.go:267      Starting Registrar
2018-09-19T15:31:01.038+0200    DEBUG   [input] log/input.go:174        Start next scan

But even if i add line to the file, filebeat does not seems to see something :slight_smile:

2018-09-19T15:31:01.038+0200    DEBUG   [input] log/input.go:174        Start next scan
2018-09-19T15:31:01.039+0200    DEBUG   [input] log/input.go:195        input states cleaned up. Before: 0, After: 0, Pending: 0
2018-09-19T15:31:11.040+0200    DEBUG   [input] input/input.go:152      Run input
2018-09-19T15:31:11.040+0200    DEBUG   [input] log/input.go:174        Start next scan
2018-09-19T15:31:11.040+0200    DEBUG   [input] log/input.go:195        input states cleaned up. Before: 0, After: 0, Pending: 0
2018-09-19T15:31:21.042+0200    DEBUG   [input] input/input.go:152      Run input
2018-09-19T15:31:21.043+0200    DEBUG   [input] log/input.go:174        Start next scan
2018-09-19T15:31:21.043+0200    DEBUG   [input] log/input.go:195        input states cleaned up. Before: 0, After: 0, Pending: 0

Am i missing something ?
Thank in advance.

Hi @kater and welcome :slight_smile:

It looks like your configuration contains a symbol that looks like a hyphen but it is not. In the log you can see that this is taking this symbol as part of the path (Configured paths: [/– /var/log/squid/access.log]**).
Could you try to replace the hyphen before the path to be a normal hyphen (like the one on - type: log)?

Thank you @jsoriano, it works ! I was sure this log line was weird looking

On vi theses hyphen are pretty similar :

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