Filebeat: file output with dynamic filename


I'm using the file output module to write some container logs to NFS.
I can't figure out how to make the output filename dynamic - I'd like the filename to be the container name.

I suspect I have two options.

  1. Set the "filename" option to be a log data field
    I've tried the usual ${log_data_field} syntax, can't get this to work, it just uses this option verbatim.

  2. The docs say the default filename is the beat name - rewrite the beat name dynamically.

      - rename:
            - from: ""
              to: "@metadata.beat"
          ignore_missing: true
          fail_on_error: true

tried the above - beat and output filename stays the same.

Does anyone have any ideas on this?


James M

check this github

Thanks for the pointer!

I'll try something else.

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