I have a kubernetes cluster (currently in dev status) where following is running:
- elastic stack
- different project specific apps.
I want to use the same elastic stack for monitoring my kubernetes instance and my project apps. (Yes, I am aware of the fact, if my kubernetes goes down kompletely, my elastic stack will also fall down).
I do not want to ship logs of the elastic stack to elasticsearch, because this insert may lead to more logs in elasticsearch, so I could end up in some infinity loop.
In your sample for running filebeat in kubernetes at https://www.elastic.co/de/blog/shipping-kubernetes-logs-to-elasticsearch-with-filebeat I saw, that the file path of the prospector is simply set to - /var/lib/docker/containers/*/*.log
This would grap all container logs!
What is the most easy and resource efficient way to define dynamically which logs should be shipped to logstash and which not?
I could send everything to logstash and drop it there by checking the metadata. For example I could introduce a label saveLogsInEs=true. If this is set, process the log, otherwise drop it. But I assume this is quite a resource overkill.
Or is there a way to drop in filebeat to drop by kubernetes label before sending to logstash? In this case the log lines are read, enriched, then dropped. I would like to avoid it if possible.
Or at best, is there a possibility to exclude prospector paths by kubernetes labels? I think this would be the optimal way to reduce unneeded load, because the file does not even need to be tailed.
Thanks a lot,