Filebeat Grok Error - IIS

Filebeat 7.0.1

Hey all, I'm trying to ingest the logs from an IIS 7.5 instance directly to ES, and the logs are being sent through successfully. However, every log is giving an error of "Provided Grok expressions do not match field value." (see error below)

I'm glad the logs are being sent but because of this formatting error, I'm unable to properly view the IIS dashboard. I know this has been an issue in the past for others, but I've been unlucky with the solutions offered on other posts. Any input is greatly appreciated!!

(open in new tab to see full pic)

My default.json is bone stock, but I'll post it here just in case.

"description": "Pipeline for parsing IIS access logs. Requires the geoip and user_agent plugins.",
"processors": [{
"grok": {
"field": "message",
"%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:iis.access.time} %{IPORHOST:destination.address} %{WORD:http.request.method} %{URIPATHWITHBRACKET:url.path} %{NOTSPACE:url.query} %{NUMBER:destination.port:long} %{} %{IPORHOST:source.address} %{NOTSPACE:user_agent.original} %{NOTSPACE:http.request.referrer} %{NUMBER:http.response.status_code:long} %{NUMBER:iis.access.sub_status:long} %{NUMBER:iis.access.win32_status:long} %{NUMBER:temp.duration:long}",
"%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:iis.access.time} %{NOTSPACE:iis.access.site_name} %{WORD:http.request.method} %{URIPATH:url.path} %{NOTSPACE:url.query} %{NUMBER:destination.port:long} %{} %{IPORHOST:source.address} %{NOTSPACE:user_agent.original} %{NOTSPACE:iis.access.cookie} %{NOTSPACE:http.request.referrer} %{NOTSPACE:destination.domain} %{NUMBER:http.response.status_code:long} %{NUMBER:iis.access.sub_status:long} %{NUMBER:iis.access.win32_status:long} %{NUMBER:http.response.body.bytes:long} %{NUMBER:http.request.body.bytes:long} %{NUMBER:temp.duration:long}",
"%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:iis.access.time} %{NOTSPACE:iis.access.site_name} %{NOTSPACE:iis.access.server_name} %{IPORHOST:destination.address} %{WORD:http.request.method} %{URIPATH:url.path} %{NOTSPACE:url.query} %{NUMBER:destination.port:long} %{} %{IPORHOST:source.address} HTTP/%{NUMBER:http.version} %{NOTSPACE:user_agent.original} %{NOTSPACE:iis.access.cookie} %{NOTSPACE:http.request.referrer} %{NOTSPACE:destination.domain} %{NUMBER:http.response.status_code:long} %{NUMBER:iis.access.sub_status:long} %{NUMBER:iis.access.win32_status:long} %{NUMBER:http.response.body.bytes:long} %{NUMBER:http.request.body.bytes:long} %{NUMBER:temp.duration:long}",
"%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:iis.access.time} \[%{IPORHOST:destination.address}\]\(http://%{IPORHOST:destination.address}\) %{WORD:http.request.method} %{URIPATH:url.path} %{NOTSPACE:url.query} %{NUMBER:destination.port:long} %{} \[%{IPORHOST:source.address}\]\(http://%{IPORHOST:source.address}\) %{NOTSPACE:user_agent.original} %{NUMBER:http.response.status_code:long} %{NUMBER:iis.access.sub_status:long} %{NUMBER:iis.access.win32_status:long} %{NUMBER:temp.duration:long}",
"%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:iis.access.time} %{IPORHOST:destination.address} %{WORD:http.request.method} %{URIPATH:url.path} %{NOTSPACE:url.query} %{NUMBER:destination.port:long} %{} %{IPORHOST:source.address} %{NOTSPACE:user_agent.original} %{NUMBER:http.response.status_code:long} %{NUMBER:iis.access.sub_status:long} %{NUMBER:iis.access.win32_status:long} %{NUMBER:temp.duration:long}"
"pattern_definitions": {
"URIPATHWITHBRACKET": "(?:/[A-Za-z0-9$.+!'(){},~:;=@#%&_\-\[\]])+"
"ignore_missing": true
}, {
"field": "message"
}, {
"rename": {
"field": "@timestamp",
"target_field": "event.created"
}, {
"date": {
"field": "iis.access.time",
"target_field": "@timestamp",
"formats": ["yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"]
}, {
"remove": {
"field": "iis.access.time"
}, {
"script": {
"lang": "painless",
"source": "ctx.event.duration = Math.round(ctx.temp.duration * params.scale)",
"params": { "scale": 1000000 },
"if": "ctx.temp?.duration != null"
}, {
"remove": {
"field": "temp.duration",
"ignore_missing": true
}, {
"urldecode": {
"field": "user_agent.original"
}, {
"user_agent": {
"field": "user_agent.original"
}, {
"grok": {
"field": "destination.address",
"ignore_failure": true,
"patterns": [
"pattern_definitions": {
"NOZONEIP": "[^%]"
}, {
"grok": {
"field": "source.address",
"ignore_failure": true,
"patterns": [
"pattern_definitions": {
"NOZONEIP": "[^%]
}, {
"geoip": {
"field": "source.ip",
"target_field": "source.geo",
"ignore_missing": true
"on_failure" : [{
"set" : {
"field" : "error.message",
"value" : "{{ _ingest.on_failure_message }}"

I had a similar issue, for me it was because we had changed the default IIS log output to have a few more fields so I had to create a new grok pattern to account for those.

I'm pretty new to filebeat myself, but my understanding is if you amend the "filebeat-7.2.0-windows-x86_64\module\iis\access\ingest\default.json" file and add a new pattern that is valid for your log output after a restart it should start processing them.

Someone with a bit more experience, might want to just confirm what I've said there. I only question myself a little because I am currently having a similar issue again with the error logs this time, and after adding the valid pattern to the "error\ingest\default.json" it still hasn't picked up the new pattern, but hopefully that is of some use to you.

Just to add I fixed my error log issue by adding my new grok pattern to the pipeline on ES. In my example I copied the existing pipeline from _ingest/pipeline/filebeat-7.2.0-iis-error-default, added the extra Grok pattern and then re-submitted it.

I am going to assume if you can build the correct pattern for the access log this method will work if you aren't running the setup from filebeat again.

Hey Pete, thanks for the replies.

It turned out that since we've migrated our sites from older servers (pre-IIS 7.5), some of the old W3C logs were not able to be parsed. But once Filebeat started ingesting some of the newer logs (after our move to IIS 7.5), the grok filter was able to begin parsing the relevant data. No changes were needed. But, I did end up learning about grok syntax, so it wasn't a waste.

I think your replies would help people, however, so I'll mark it as the solution.


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