[Filebeat][httpconf] AuthenticationMissingOrInvalid

I need to get logs from a rest API, I tried this config in My filebeat.yml:


  • type: httpjson
    request.url: ----------------------------------
    • set:
      target: header.Authorization

When testing the URI with basic authentication using other toolsn I get the logs I'm looking for.
But when running Filebeat , I get this:

{"log.level":"error","@timestamp":"2023-08-07T12:50:44.763+0100","log.logger":"input.httpjson-stateless","log.origin":{"file.name":"httpjson/input.go","file.line":143},"message":"Error while processing http request: failed to execute rf.collectResponse: failed to execute http client.Do: server responded with status code 401: {"code":"AuthenticationMissingOrInvalid","message":"The credential is missing or invalid."}\n","service.name":"filebeat","id":"7AFEB288B5C44402","input_url":"--------------------------","ecs.version":"1.6.0"}

I don't know what the problem is.
Pleqse help me

Hi @Mohammed_Amine_El_ha,
Instead of using filebeat, please try the [http input plugin] (Http input plugin | Logstash Reference [8.9] | Elastic) in logstash. Among other things you'll be able to set the authentication settings more cleaning that way.

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