I am new to Filebeat. I am trying to read a file using filebeat and save the read content to a new file in my local system.
I have pulled the docker image from the elastic docker repository and have mounted filebeat.yml file which I've created while running the container as below:
docker run -v /home/filebeat-poc/filebeat.yml:/usr/share/filebeat/filebeat.yml docker.elastic.co/beats/filebeat:6.5.1
After the container is started with the filebeat config file which I've specified, Filebeat is not reading the content from the source file and print/save to the destination file which i have specified in the filebeat config file.
Below is my filebeat.yml file:
- type: log
paths:- /home/filesource/*.log
path: "/tmp/filebeat"
filename: filebeat
rotate_every_kb: 1000
number_of_files: 7
- /home/filesource/*.log
I am not able to figure out what am I doing wrong.