Filebeat lock monitored files?


Can filebeat lock some monitored files for some reasons (Windows Server 2008 R2)?


Filebeat keeps the files it is reading open. That is probably what you mean by locked. If that is an issue, see force_close_files config: But please read the docs as this can have side affects.


Thank you for your answer. I think I fix this issue.
The problem was something like that:

  • Filebeat keeps the files in reading mode;
  • Log4Net try to delete a file, but fails;
  • Because it fails, it was not able to create new logs.

It was my mistake :slight_smile:

Have a nice day!

Glad you found a solution.

Hi @djvidov could you please tell me how did you fix the issue? I face similar issue in Windows 2012 R8 server. I use log4j for writing logs. did you change anything in log4Net settings or Filebeat?

Thanks in advance!

Hello @Sujoy_Acharya,
Sorry for that late answer.
in extended class of RollingFileAppender I've add an try catch in order to avoid crash of log4net like in code shown bellow:

public class DateRollingFileAppender : RollingFileAppender {
    //your code here

    public override void ActivateOptions() {
        //your code here
                if(your delete condition)
                    catch (Exception ex)
                          //manage it

I hope this will help you.
