Filebeat -> Logstash match metadata


I've noticed filebeat sends some additional metadata for each generated event such as: log.file.path and

I can access to log.file.path ([log][file][path]) but not to ([process][name]). ??

  "_index": "filebeat-7.4.0-2019.10.29-000006",
  "_type": "_doc",
  "_id": "LUdQN24BFAd3xpeubZvm",
  "_version": 1,
  "_score": null,
  "_source": {
    "agent": {
      "hostname": "http2",
      "id": "9ceb38e6-9835-4fd8-9eb0-d741449fbd6b",
      "type": "filebeat",
      "ephemeral_id": "6edd52a2-a706-4a89-87b1-8a0fb6ce6c12",
      "version": "7.4.0"
    "process": {
      "name": "(squid-1)"
    "log": {
      "file": {
        "path": "/var/log/messages"
      "offset": 1333266097
    "fileset": {
      "name": "syslog"
    "message": " - - [04/Nov/2019:17:47:02 +0100] \"CONNECT HTTP/1.1\" 407 3728 101 \"-\" \"-\" TCP_DENIED:HIER_NONE",
    "input": {
      "type": "log"
    "@timestamp": "2019-11-04T17:47:02.000+01:00",
    "system": {
      "syslog": {}
    "ecs": {
      "version": "1.1.0"
    "service": {
      "type": "system"
    "host": {
      "hostname": "http1323",
      "os": {
        "kernel": "3",
        "codename": "Core",
        "name": "CentOS Linux",
        "family": "redhat",
        "version": "7 (Core)",
        "platform": "centos"
      "containerized": false,
      "name": "http2",
      "id": "a8a5cf55a7ad46e8a2e6ab26a32e8571",
      "architecture": "x86_64"
    "event": {
      "timezone": "+01:00",
      "module": "system",
      "dataset": "system.syslog"
  "fields": {
    "suricata.eve.timestamp": [
    "@timestamp": [
  "highlight": {
    "": [
  "sort": [

Thank you,

How are you trying to use [process][name] in your logstash configuration?

Hello @Badger,

I want to filter the event under certain conditions :

if [process][name] =~ /\([a-z]+-1\)/{
dissect {
      mapping => {
        "message" => '%{a} %{b} %{c} [%{mydate}] "%{d} %{e}
%{f}" %{g} %{h} %{i} "%{j}" "%{k}" %{l}:%{m}'
date {
        match => ["mydate", "dd/MMM/YYYY:HH:mm:ss Z"]
        target => "date"
        mutate {                    remove_field => [ "mydate" ]

Thank you

When I run

input { generator { count => 1 lines => [ ' - - [04/Nov/2019:17:47:02 +0100] "CONNECT HTTP/1.1" 407 3728 101 "-" "-" TCP_DENIED:HIER_NONE' ] } }
filter {
    mutate { add_field => { "[process][name]" => "(squid-1)" } }
    if [process][name] =~ /\([a-z]+-1\)/ {
        dissect { mapping => { "message" => '%{a} %{b} %{c} [%{mydate}] "%{d} %{e} %{f}" %{g} %{h} %{i} "%{j}" "%{k}" %{l}:%{m}' } }
        date { match => ["mydate", "dd/MMM/YYYY:HH:mm:ss Z"] target => "date" }
        mutate { remove_field => [ "mydate" ] }
output { stdout { codec => rubydebug { metadata => false } } }

I get

   "message" => " - - [04/Nov/2019:17:47:02 +0100] \"CONNECT HTTP/1.1\" 407 3728 101 \"-\" \"-\" TCP_DENIED:HIER_NONE",
         "e" => "",
         "i" => "101",
      "date" => 2019-11-04T16:47:02.000Z,
         "f" => "HTTP/1.1",
         "k" => "-",
   "process" => {
    "name" => "(squid-1)"

etc. Are you sure [process][name] exists at the point where you are testing it?

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