Filebeat Lost of first lines when rotating files


I noticed some issues when Filebeat reads a new file: the first line is sometimes skipped. So I made a quick script to test this:

for i in {00..100}; do
mv toto.log toto.log.${i} && touch toto.log
echo "test line" >> toto.log
sleep 2

I expect to have 101 lines in my Logstash output, but I get a random number of lines. Here is my Filebeat configuration:

path.home: /home/user
path.logs: ${path.home}/logs ${path.home}/data
path.config: ${path.home}

logging.level: debug
logging.to_files: true
  path: ${path.logs}
  name: filebeat
  keepfiles: 7
  permissions: 0640


- type: filestream
  id: test-stream
  enabled: true
    - /root/toto*.log
    - testing
  ignore_older: 48h
  fields_under_root: true
  scan_frequency: "1s"
  close.on_state_change.renamed: true

  hosts: ["ipAddress:5044"]
  bulk_max_size: 0

My Filebeat version is 8.16.1. I tried adjusting some parameters, but nothing changed. Does anyone have any idea what's happening and how I can solve my problem?

this setting causes Filebeat to stop reading files once they have been renamed

When this option is enabled, Filebeat closes the file handler when a file is renamed. This happens, for example, when rotating files. By default, the harvester stays open and keeps reading the file because the file handler does not depend on the file name. If the close.on_state_change.renamed option is enabled and the file is renamed or moved in such a way that it’s no longer matched by the file patterns specified for the , the file will not be picked up again. Filebeat will not finish reading the file.

Try setting that to false

It doesn't seem to have any effect on the result. I still get a random number of lines in my Logstash output.

During file rotation, you are renaming the log files to a name that is not part of the glob you've given to filebeat: .log.# vs *.log

Also worth noting that these two settings will have a negative performance impact and should likely be removed before moving this into production