Filebeat module netflow - modify netflow @timestamp by the current time


I have a problem, the netflow filebeat module keep the timestamp of inside the netflow packet. Here 1993-12-03..., but I want modify this value by the current time.

For now I have:

"@timestamp": "1993-12-03T19:05:37.626Z",
"@metadata": {
"beat": "filebeat",
"netflow": {
"timestamp": "1993-12-03T19:05:37.626Z"

But I want this output:

"@timestamp": "2020-01-30T12:03:00.626Z",
"@metadata": {
"beat": "filebeat",
"netflow": {
"timestamp": "1993-12-03T19:05:37.626Z"

If someone have an idea for change the value of @timestamp by the operating system time ?


So currently Filebeat reads the date on the Netflow/IPFIX header and uses that as @timestamp field, there's no configuration flag to use the current ingestion time instead.

However you can work around it with the script processor:


   - add_cloud_metadata: ~
   - add_docker_metadata: ~
   - add_kubernetes_metadata: ~
   - script:
      lang: javascript
      source: >
          function process(event) {
              event.Put('@timestamp', new Date());

Consider adding a when condition so that it only applies to Netflow events.

About the wrong date, is the date set wrong on your netflow device or Filebeat is parsing it incorrectly? If you're unsure, can you share a pcap with the netflow traffic?

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Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

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