Filebeat Multiline.Pattern error parsing regexp


Can someone give me a hint why the following Regex is not working within filebeat?

Errormessage is:
2019-09-18T13:14:38.496+0200 ERROR instance/beat.go:877 Exiting: Error while initializing input: error parsing regexp: missing closing ]: [^]+?\]\]?(?-m:$) accessing 'filebeat.inputs.1.multiline.pattern' (source:'filebeat.yml')
Exiting: Error while initializing input: error parsing regexp: missing closing ]: [^]+?\]\]?(?-m:$) accessing 'filebeat.inputs.1.multiline.pattern' (source:'filebeat.yml')

In and it works - but maybe I got something wrong with the supported regex dialect or engines

Thanks in advance.

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