Filebeat Multiline problem with Logstash

Hi all,

I am trying to use multiline pattern in filebeat to append multiline code in jenkins log

Below is a sample of log file:

Aug 06, 2017 12:18:19 AM hudson.UDPBroadcastThread run
INFO: Cannot listen to UDP port 33,848, skipping: No such device
Aug 06, 2017 12:18:19 AM hudson.WebAppMain$3 run
INFO: Jenkins is fully up and running
Aug 06, 2017 12:18:19 AM javax.jmdns.impl.HostInfo newHostInfo
WARNING: Could not find any address beside the loopback.

When I used this configuration on logstash for a local log file, everything is working well:

input {
  file {
    path => "/var/log/jenkins/jenkins.log"
    #start_position => "beginning"
    #sincedb_path => "/dev/null"
    codec => multiline {
      pattern => "^%{MONTH}"
      negate => true
      what => previous

filter {
  grok {
    match => {"message" => "%{JENKINSTIMESTAMP:[jenkins][timestamp]} %{DATA:[jenkins][logger][source_class]}( %{DATA:[jenkins][logger][source_method]})?\n%{DATA:[jenkins][logger][level]}: %{GREEDYMULTILINE:[jenkins][logger][message]}"
    pattern_definitions => {
        "GREEDYMULTILINE"=> "(.|\n)*"
    remove_field => "message"
  mutate {
    gsub => ["[jenkins][logger][message]", "[\r?\n|\r|\t]", " "]
  date {
      match => [ "[jenkins][timestamp]", "MMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss a", "MMM dd, yyyy h:mm:ss a", "MMM  d, yyyy hh:mm:ss a", "MMM  d, yyyy h:mm:ss a" ]

output {
  file {
    path => "/etc/logstash/test.json"

But when I try to get it from filebeat client with this logstash cofiguration

input {
   beats {
    # The port to listen on for filebeat connections.
    port => 5044
    # The IP address to listen for filebeat connections.
    host => ""

filter {
  grok {
    match => {"message" => "%{JENKINSTIMESTAMP:[jenkins][timestamp]} %{DATA:[jenkins][logger][source_class]}( %{DATA:[jenkins][logger][source_method]})?\n%{DATA:[jenkins][logger][level]}: %{GREEDYMULTILINE:[jenkins][logger][message]}"
    pattern_definitions => {
        "GREEDYMULTILINE"=> "(.|\n)*"
    remove_field => "message"
  mutate {
    gsub => ["[jenkins][logger][message]", "[\r?\n|\r|\t]", " "]
  date {
      match => [ "[jenkins][timestamp]", "MMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss a", "MMM dd, yyyy h:mm:ss a", "MMM  d, yyyy hh:mm:ss a", "MMM  d, yyyy h:mm:ss a" ]

output {
  file {
    path => "/etc/logstash/test.json"

And filebeat configuration

- input_type: log
    - /var/log/jenkins/jenkins.log
  exclude_files: [".gz$"]
    pattern: "^%{MONTH}"
    negate: true
    match: after

I get all log event concatenated in one time-stamped output, as it if filebeat doesn't detect lines that begins with {MONTH} pattern so they are concatenated to previous line.

I tried also to change {MONTH} pattern with it's defintion in logstash plugin:

- input_type: log
    - /var/log/jenkins/jenkins.log
  exclude_files: [".gz$"]
    pattern: "^\b(?:[Jj]an(?:uary|uar)?|[Ff]eb(?:ruary|ruar)?|[Mm](?:a|ä)?r(?:ch|z)?|[Aa]pr(?:il)?|[Mm]a(?:y|i)?|[Jj]un(?:e|i)?|[Jj]ul(?:y)?|[Aa]ug(?:ust)?|[Ss]ep(?:tember)?|[Oo](?:c|k)?t(?:ober)?|[Nn]ov(?:ember)?|[Dd]e(?:c|z)(?:ember)?)\b"
    negate: true
    match: after

But I get the same result :confused:

I found the error, there are some messing parenthesis
with this configuration in filebeat everything working as expected

- input_type: log
    - /var/log/jenkins/jenkins.log
  exclude_files: [".gz$"]
    pattern: "^(?:[Jj]an(?:uary|uar)?|[Ff]eb(?:ruary|ruar)?|[Mm](?:a|ä)?r(?:ch|z)?|[Aa]pr(?:il)?[Mm]a(?:y|i)?|[Jj]un(?:e|i)?|[Jj]ul(?:y)?|[Aaa]ug(?:ust)?|[Ss]ep(?:tember)?|[Oo](?:c|k)?t(?:ober)?|[Nn]ov(?:ember)?|[Dd]e(?:c|z)(?:ember)?)"
    negate: true
    match: after
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