Filebeat, nginx, elastic stack. Code printing out in Filebeat log

Hi there folks,

Hope you can help me as I'm at a bit of a loss. I've configured Filebeat v7.17.5 to enable the nginx module to scrape some logs located at
/usr/local/kong/logs/access.log and /usr/local/kong/logs/error.log
The message that's outputting in the filebeat logs with logging.level set to debug is as follows

2022-08-25T10:01:31.910+0100    DEBUG   [processors]    processing/processors.go:203    Publish event: {
  "@timestamp": "2022-08-25T09:01:31.910Z",
  "@metadata": {
    "beat": "filebeat",
    "type": "_doc",
    "version": "7.17.5",
    "pipeline": "kong-nginx-logs"
  "host": {
    "name": "ieavu3015"
  "log": {
    "file": {
      "path": "/usr/local/kong/logs/access.log"
    "offset": 3918
  "message": " - - [24/Aug/2022:17:30:27 +0100] \"POST /myapp HTTP/2.0\" 200 8045 \"-\" \"insomnia/2022.5.1\"",
  "fileset": {
    "name": "access"
  "ecs": {
    "version": "1.12.0"
  "agent": {
    "hostname": "box01",
    "ephemeral_id": "70f843a3-4166-46f9-8fed-bfe29a0288e3",
    "id": "7a8dd5d2-3cd8-48eb-932e-63d173fd589b",
    "name": "box01",
    "type": "filebeat",
    "version": "7.17.5"
  "service": {
    "type": "nginx"
  "input": {
    "type": "log"
  "event": {
    "module": "nginx",
    "dataset": "nginx.access",
    "timezone": "+01:00"
  "fields": {
    "env": "tst"

which doesn't look anything like the structure of the exported fields mentioned here

Also I'm seeing what appears to be code outputting in the filebeat log

2022-08-25T11:08:18.705+0100    DEBUG   [esclientleg]   eslegclient/connection.go:340   PUT  map[description:Pipeline for parsi
ng Nginx access logs. Requires the geoip and user_agent plugins. on_failure:[map[set:map[field:error.message value:{{ _ingest.on_failure_message }}]]] processors:[map[set:map[field:event.ingested value:{{_ingest.timestamp}}]] map[rename:map[field:message target_
field:event.original]] map[grok:map[field:event.original ignore_missing:true pattern_definitions:map[NGINX_ADDRESS_LIST:(?:%{IP}|%{WORD})("?,?\s*(?:%{IP}|%{WORD}))* NGINX_HOST:(?:%{IP:destination.ip}|%{NGINX_NOTSEPARATOR:destination.domain})(:%{NUMBER:destinatio
n.port})? NGINX_NOTSEPARATOR:[^        ,:]+] patterns:[(%{NGINX_HOST} )?"?(?:%{NGINX_ADDRESS_LIST:nginx.access.remote_ip_list}|%{NOTSPACE:source.address}) - (-|%{}) \[%{HTTPDATE:nginx.access.time}\] "%{}" %{NUMBER:http.respons
e.status_code:long} %{NUMBER:http.response.body.bytes:long} "(-|%{DATA:http.request.referrer})" "(-|%{DATA:user_agent.original})"]]] map[grok:map[ ignore_missing:true patterns:[%{WORD:http.request.method} %{DATA:_tmp.url_orig} HTTP/%{NUMBE
R:http.version} ]]] map[set:map[field:url.domain if:ctx.url?.domain == null && ctx.destination?.domain != null value:{{destination.domain}}]] map[remove:map[field:[ _tmp.url_orig] ignore_missing:true]] map[split:map[field:nginx.access.remote_ip_
list ignore_missing:true separator:"?,?\s+]] map[split:map[field:nginx.access.origin ignore_missing:true separator:"?,?\s+]] map[set:map[field:source.address if:ctx.source?.address == null value:]] map[script:map[if:ctx.nginx?.access?.remote_ip_list != null && c
tx.nginx.access.remote_ip_list.length > 0 lang:painless params:map[dot:.] source:boolean isPrivate(def dot, def ip) {
  try {
    StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(ip, dot);
    int firstByte = Integer.parseInt(tok.nextToken());
    int secondByte = Integer.parseInt(tok.nextToken());
    if (firstByte == 10) {
      return true;
    if (firstByte == 192 && secondByte == 168) {
      return true;
    if (firstByte == 172 && secondByte >= 16 && secondByte <= 31) {
      return true;
    if (firstByte == 127) {
      return true;
    return false;
  catch (Exception e) {
    return false;

} try {
  ctx.source.address = null;
  if (ctx.nginx.access.remote_ip_list == null) {
  def found = false;
  for (def item : ctx.nginx.access.remote_ip_list) {
    if (!isPrivate(, item)) {
      ctx.source.address = item;
      found = true;
  if (!found) {
    ctx.source.address = ctx.nginx.access.remote_ip_list[0];
} catch (Exception e) {
  ctx.source.address = null;
}]] map[remove:map[field:source.address if:ctx.source.address == null]] map[grok:map[field:source.address ignore_failure:true patterns:[^%{IP:source.ip}$]]] map[rename:map[field:@timestamp target_field:event.created]] map[date:map[field:nginx.access.time formats:[dd/MMM/yyyy:H:m:s Z] on_failure:[map[append:map[field:error.message value:{{ _ingest.on_failure_message }}]]] target_field:@timestamp]] map[remove:map[field:nginx.access.time]] map[user_agent:map[field:user_agent.original ignore_missing:true]] map[geoip:map[field:source.ip ignore_missing:true target_field:source.geo]] map[geoip:map[database_file:GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb field:source.ip ignore_missing:true properties:[asn organization_name]]] map[rename:map[ ignore_missing:true]] map[rename:map[ ignore_missing:true]] map[set:map[field:event.kind value:event]] map[append:map[field:event.category value:web]] map[append:map[field:event.type value:access]] map[set:map[field:event.outcome if:ctx?.http?.response?.status_code != null && ctx.http.response.status_code < 400 value:success]] map[set:map[field:event.outcome if:ctx?.http?.response?.status_code != null && ctx.http.response.status_code >= 400 value:failure]] map[append:map[field:related.ip if:ctx?.source?.ip != null value:{{source.ip}}]] map[append:map[field:related.ip if:ctx?.destination?.ip != null value:{{destination.ip}}]] map[append:map[field:related.user if:ctx?.user?.name != null value:{{}}]] map[script:map[description:This script processor iterates over the whole document to remove fields with null values. lang:painless source:void handleMap(Map map) {
  for (def x : map.values()) {
    if (x instanceof Map) {
    } else if (x instanceof List) {
  map.values().removeIf(v -> v == null);
void handleList(List list) {
  for (def x : list) {
      if (x instanceof Map) {
      } else if (x instanceof List) {

Has anyone seen anything like this before?

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