Filebeat not receiving logs and error in logstash

I am trying to setup filebeat and logstash on my server1 and send data to elasticsearch located on server2 and visualize it using kibana.

Following are filebeat logs and when i run filebeat test output it showed the result as show in image bleow.

enter image description here

As you can observer, filbeat is not receving logs at this because of the error in logstash?

2020-07-10T07:40:14.852Z	DEBUG	[input]	input/input.go:141	Run input
2020-07-10T07:40:14.852Z	DEBUG	[input]	log/input.go:191	Start next scan
2020-07-10T07:40:14.852Z	DEBUG	[input]	log/input.go:212	input states cleaned up. Before: 0, After: 0, Pending: 0
2020-07-10T07:40:24.853Z	DEBUG	[input]	input/input.go:141	Run input
2020-07-10T07:40:24.853Z	DEBUG	[input]	log/input.go:191	Start next scan
2020-07-10T07:40:24.853Z	DEBUG	[input]	log/input.go:212	input states cleaned up. Before: 0, After: 0, Pending: 0
2020-07-10T07:40:34.853Z	DEBUG	[input]	input/input.go:141	Run input
2020-07-10T07:40:34.853Z	DEBUG	[input]	log/input.go:191	Start next scan
2020-07-10T07:40:34.853Z	DEBUG	[input]	log/input.go:212	input states cleaned up. Before: 0, After: 0, Pending: 0
2020-07-10T07:40:44.828Z	INFO	[monitoring]	log/log.go:145	Non-zero metrics in the last 30s	{"monitoring": {"metrics": {"beat":{"cpu":{"system":{"ticks":20},"total":{"ticks":170,"time":{"ms":4},"value":170},"user":{"ticks":150,"time":{"ms":4}}},"handles":{"limit":{"hard":1048576,"soft":1024},"open":7},"info":{"ephemeral_id":"4f97f60d-b9f4-451c-b9f2-1935988798b1","uptime":{"ms":840027}},"memstats":{"gc_next":10220512,"memory_alloc":5959576,"memory_total":24826152},"runtime":{"goroutines":21}},"filebeat":{"harvester":{"open_files":0,"running":0}},"libbeat":{"config":{"module":{"running":0}},"pipeline":{"clients":1,"events":{"active":0}}},"registrar":{"states":{"current":0}},"system":{"load":{"1":0.03,"15":0.08,"5":0.06,"norm":{"1":0.015,"15":0.04,"5":0.03}}}}}}
2020-07-10T07:40:44.853Z	DEBUG	[input]	input/input.go:141	Run input
2020-07-10T07:40:44.856Z	DEBUG	[input]	log/input.go:191	Start next scan
2020-07-10T07:40:44.856Z	DEBUG	[input]	log/input.go:212	input states cleaned up. Before: 0, After: 0, Pending: 0
2020-07-10T07:40:54.856Z	DEBUG	[input]	input/input.go:141	Run input
2020-07-10T07:40:54.856Z	DEBUG	[input]	log/input.go:191	Start next scan
2020-07-10T07:40:54.856Z	DEBUG	[input]	log/input.go:212	input states cleaned up. Before: 0, After: 0, Pending: 0
2020-07-10T07:41:04.856Z	DEBUG	[input]	input/input.go:141	Run input
2020-07-10T07:41:04.856Z	DEBUG	[input]	log/input.go:191	Start next scan
2020-07-10T07:41:04.856Z	DEBUG	[input]	log/input.go:212	input states cleaned up. Before: 0, After: 0, Pending: 0
2020-07-10T07:41:14.828Z	INFO	[monitoring]	log/log.go:145	Non-zero metrics in the last 30s	{"monitoring": {"metrics": {"beat":{"cpu":{"system":{"ticks":20},"total":{"ticks":180,"time":{"ms":8},"value":180},"user":{"ticks":160,"time":{"ms":8}}},"handles":{"limit":{"hard":1048576,"soft":1024},"open":7},"info":{"ephemeral_id":"4f97f60d-b9f4-451c-b9f2-1935988798b1","uptime":{"ms":870027}},"memstats":{"gc_next":10216448,"memory_alloc":5117872,"memory_total":25101640},"runtime":{"goroutines":21}},"filebeat":{"harvester":{"open_files":0,"running":0}},"libbeat":{"config":{"module":{"running":0}},"pipeline":{"clients":1,"events":{"active":0}}},"registrar":{"states":{"current":0}},"system":{"load":{"1":0.02,"15":0.08,"5":0.05,"norm":{"1":0.01,"15":0.04,"5":0.025}}}}}}
2020-07-10T07:41:14.856Z	DEBUG	[input]	input/input.go:141	Run input
2020-07-10T07:41:14.856Z	DEBUG	[input]	log/input.go:191	Start next scan
2020-07-10T07:41:14.856Z	DEBUG	[input]	log/input.go:212	input states cleaned up. Before: 0, After: 0, Pending: 0
2020-07-10T07:41:24.856Z	DEBUG	[input]	input/input.go:141	Run input
2020-07-10T07:41:24.856Z	DEBUG	[input]	log/input.go:191	Start next scan
2020-07-10T07:41:24.856Z	DEBUG	[input]	log/input.go:212	input states cleaned up. Before: 0, After: 0, Pending: 0
2020-07-10T07:41:34.857Z	DEBUG	[input]	input/input.go:141	Run input
2020-07-10T07:41:34.857Z	DEBUG	[input]	log/input.go:191	Start next scan
2020-07-10T07:41:34.857Z	DEBUG	[input]	log/input.go:212	input states cleaned up. Before: 0, After: 0, Pending: 0

Following are logstash logs and I am getting some exception errors

[WARN ] 2020-07-10 07:26:21.802 [nioEventLoopGroup-2-2] DefaultChannelPipeline - An 

exceptionCaught() event was fired, and it reached at the tail of the pipeline. It usually means the last handler in the pipeline did not handle the exception.
io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException: Invalid version of beats protocol: -1
	at io.netty.handler.codec.ByteToMessageDecoder.callDecode( ~[netty-all-4.1.30.Final.jar:4.1.30.Final]
	at io.netty.handler.codec.ByteToMessageDecoder.channelRead( ~[netty-all-4.1.30.Final.jar:4.1.30.Final]
	at ~[netty-all-4.1.30.Final.jar:4.1.30.Final]
	at$600( ~[netty-all-4.1.30.Final.jar:4.1.30.Final]
	at$ ~[netty-all-4.1.30.Final.jar:4.1.30.Final]
	at ~[netty-all-4.1.30.Final.jar:4.1.30.Final]
	at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$ [netty-all-4.1.30.Final.jar:4.1.30.Final]
	at [netty-all-4.1.30.Final.jar:4.1.30.Final]
	at [?:1.8.0_252]
Caused by: Invalid version of beats protocol: -1
	at ~[logstash-input-beats-6.0.9.jar:?]
	at ~[logstash-input-beats-6.0.9.jar:?]
	at io.netty.handler.codec.ByteToMessageDecoder.decodeRemovalReentryProtection( ~[netty-all-4.1.30.Final.jar:4.1.30.Final]
	at io.netty.handler.codec.ByteToMessageDecoder.callDecode( ~[netty-all-4.1.30.Final.jar:4.1.30.Final]
	... 8 more


- type: log
  enabled: true
    - /home/mahesh/Documents/refactor/nomi/unity/media/*.log

  enabled: true
  hosts: ["localhost:5044"]


input {
beats {
    port => 5044
    ssl => false

filter {
  grok {
    match => { "message" => "%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp}] %{LOGLEVEL:loglevel}\|%{GREEDYDATA:module}\|%{GREEDYDATA:content}" }
  date {
    locale => "en"
    match => [ "timestamp", "YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"]
    target => "@timestamp"
    timezone => "America/New_York"

output {
  elasticsearch {
    hosts => "elk_server_ip:9200"
    manage_template => false
    index => "blend_test" 
  stdout { codec => rubydebug { metadata => true } }

First, can you show us logstash and filebeat version ?
Are they up to date ?


Filebeat version - 7.8.0
logstash version - 7.8.0

And to my surprise, there are no errors in logstash console, but filebeat logs are the same.... filbeat is not harvesting logs... and I have checked again and again that i have given the correct log file path.

What's the rights of the log files ?


-rw-rw-r-- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 118366 Jul 10 09:27 django_blend.log

Changed above one to using chmod 777 command

-rwxrwxrwx 1 ubuntu ubuntu 121496 Jul 10 09:43 django_blend.log

but still not receving logs even after restarting filebeat

when using tail -f /home/mahesh/Documents/refactor/nomi/unity/media/*.log

Are they any newlines created ?

It's strage that filebeat isnt catchign anything, maybe the directory is not accessible ?


You don't need to use filebeat if all the data came to the same host. You can add this directly in logstash :

input {
  file {
    path => "/path/to/file"

@grumo35 no new lines are present.

drwxrwxr-x+ is the permission config for that folder where log file is present

If there is no newlines that's why filebeat isnt seeing new content, i guess your log files aren't populated ?

@Jiboss, u want me to relpace input node in logstash.conf with above input snippet you provided?

Yeah, if you don't need filebeat I would do that. I think you need to receive new data to see your logs. Try to send another file.

Try with 7.6.2 version as this was the solution for my same issue it might work for you too

Update :- it finally worked after I changed the filebeat.yml to the following config

- type: log
    - /your/path/goes/here/*.log
  enabled: true
  hosts: ["localhost:5044"]
logging.level: info
logging.to_files: true
  path: /var/log/filebeat
  name: filebeat
  keepfiles: 7
  permissions: 0644

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