Filebeat.prospectors not working

The filebeat service is up running, but it is not listening to the ngnix logs by the ngnix.yml. It works as desired if I manually add the input_type property with the path to the ngnix logs in the main filebeat.yml.
this is th filebeat.yml:

shutdown_timeout: '0'
tags: []
fields: {}
fields_under_root: false
  registry_file: "/var/lib/filebeat/registry"
    enabled: true
    path: "/etc/filebeat/conf.d/*.yml"
  shutdown_timeout: '0'
  modules: []
    loadbalance: true
shipper: {}
logging: {}
runoptions: {}
processors: []
setup: {}
xpack: :undef

this is the ngnix.yml:

- type: log
    - /var/log/nginx/*.log
  encoding: plain
  fields_under_root: false
  document_type: log
  scan_frequency: 10s
  harvester_buffer_size: 16384
  max_bytes: 10485760

  tail_files: false

  # Experimental: If symlinks is enabled, symlinks are opened and harvested. The harvester is openening the
  # original for harvesting but will report the symlink name as source.
  #symlinks: false

  backoff: 1s
  max_backoff: 10s
  backoff_factor: 2

  # Experimental: Max number of harvesters that are started in parallel.
  # Default is 0 which means unlimited
  #harvester_limit: 0

  ### Harvester closing options

  # Close inactive closes the file handler after the predefined period.
  # The period starts when the last line of the file was, not the file ModTime.
  # Time strings like 2h (2 hours), 5m (5 minutes) can be used.
  close_inactive: 5m

  # Close renamed closes a file handler when the file is renamed or rotated.
  # Note: Potential data loss. Make sure to read and understand the docs for this option.
  close_renamed: false

  # When enabling this option, a file handler is closed immediately in case a file can't be found
  # any more. In case the file shows up again later, harvesting will continue at the last known position
  # after scan_frequency.
  close_removed: true

  # Closes the file handler as soon as the harvesters reaches the end of the file.
  # By default this option is disabled.
  # Note: Potential data loss. Make sure to read and understand the docs for this option.
  close_eof: false

  ### State options

  # Files for the modification data is older then clean_inactive the state from the registry is removed
  # By default this is disabled.
  clean_inactive: 0

  # Removes the state for file which cannot be found on disk anymore immediately
  clean_removed: true

  # Close timeout closes the harvester after the predefined time.
  # This is indepen

@roi_romano Where the nginx is located? it is in the /etc/filebeat/conf.d/ directory?

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