Filebeat-* status of 413 "cannot read property 'get' of undefined"

Hello All,
I have a very strange issue where I can't even go to:
... the screen is blank and when I press F12 I get the error messages in the subject of this post.

A few things I did was that might have broken this was to upgrade the stack to from 7.9.0 to 7.9.3 and reapply the filebeat setup proccess.

For the status 413, when I go to: http://:5601/api/saved_objects/index-pattern/filebeat-* I get close to a megabyte's worth of JSON. I set the discover:sampleSize to 10000 and no luck.

All of visulization which uses filebeat-* thus yield the same errors.

I see that the number of events/documents increase for the current filebeat-2020.11.10 index, I just can't view the data with Kibana.

Any ideas?
Best Regards,

Please try upgrading to Kibana 7.10. One of the changes was to increase the maximum allowed requests size for the route that was giving HTTP 413.

Thank you Andrew. I did upgrade to 7.10 and things did look better. After the upgrade my older indices failed with an error which was corrected by me having to modify them with this setting:
"index.max_docvalue_fields_search": "149"

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