hi, i have been working with kibana and forwarding logs with filebeat.
right now i have a situation where 2 servers are getting a different tag than the one i supplied.
Filebeat configuration:
max_procs: 1
input_type: log
- /opt/apache-tomcat/logs/*.log
- /opt/apache-tomcat/logs//.log
exclude_files:- /opt/apache-tomcat/logs/localhost_access_log.*.txt
- /opt/apache-tomcat/logs/localhost.*.log
- /opt/apache-tomcat/logs/catalina.*.log
tags: ["xt_ppc", "abc"]
ignore_older: 24h
multiline.pattern: '[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2},[0-9]{3}'
multiline.negate: true
multiline.match: afterinput_type: log
- /opt/apache-tomcat/logs/*.log
exclude_files:- /opt/apache-tomcat/logs/localhost_access_log.*.txt
- /opt/apache-tomcat/logs/localhost..*.log
- /opt/apache-tomcat/logs/catalina.*.log
tags: ["xt_ppc", "abc"]
ignore_older: 24h
multiline.pattern: '^MSI POOR'
multiline.negate: true
multiline.match: afteroutput.redis:
hosts: ["someserver.com:6379"]
key: "xt"
timeout: 30
I think the issue started when i started the filebeat service with out the multi-pattern.
now after i fixed and restart the service the issue remain, it didnt fix it for new logs.
it seemed that filebeat forwared a .gz file instead of a log not sure why but it did:
m7�����sauY��^Z,��9'+wWי]%A|��:F#l����N�ݬa)�-�ĭ������j �s�b����0�-��j�G� w���1[�IЕ��Iu?8��6h���~n;�!�>���v����å�ta�I<���Ћl�W4L�R�q0�I�>�2ޥCRm[e��sB��L*O7T��mqW�t�B�[���!�Y��0&g`�6}��m�0��K&�Ι���g,%��������?�e>y"�2���8�{�����O;�&�����+�Ά�U0�����^�=��!��gJ|��B^�`.�&�E=ԟtO��f�}����+�v�<�sn<����x�eQ������`�� �1
DId i corrupt my index? should i delete it?
if yes, will the index get auto regenerated?
how can i fix this?