Trying to send some syslog to a Filebeat running on my Windows 10 device. Filebeat configuration:
- type: udp
max_message_size: 10KiB
host: "localhost:10514"
pipeline: filebeat-pfsense
Now although I can see the syslog coming in with Wireshark:
The data is not ingested in elasticsearch..
Windows Firewall is off. Enabled debug in filebeat.yml
Relevant logs:
2019-09-22T20:55:48.089+0200 INFO input/input.go:114 Starting input of type: udp; ID: 10874948813930738873
2019-09-22T20:55:48.089+0200 INFO crawler/crawler.go:106 Loading and starting Inputs completed. Enabled inputs: 1
2019-09-22T20:55:48.089+0200 INFO udp/input.go:102 Starting UDP input
2019-09-22T20:55:48.092+0200 INFO [udp] udp/server.go:81 Started listening for UDP connection {"address": "localhost:10514"}
2019-09-22T20:58:18.101+0200|DEBUG|[input]|input/input.go:152|Run input|
2019-09-22T20:58:28.101+0200|DEBUG|[input]|input/input.go:152|Run input|
2019-09-22T20:58:38.102+0200|DEBUG|[input]|input/input.go:152|Run input|
Someone any idea why the syslog is not ingested in elasticsearch? Other logs I added work fine. Simulating my pipeline also works fine. What does "Run input" mean?
Anyone any idea what I'm doing wrong?