Filebeat Unexpected file opening error: File info is not identical with opened file

I am running into the same problem logged previously:

I don't see any resolution to it though. I am also trying to load in IIS SMTP logs and just get repeated messages in the log for the file.

Filebeat version: 6.3.2

Works fine with other log files I am bringing in, just seems to be the SMTP service logs.
|2019-04-15T20:12:22.870Z|INFO|cfgfile/reload.go:214|Loading of config files completed.|
|2019-04-15T20:12:22.940Z|INFO|log/harvester.go:228|Harvester started for file: C:\Windows\System32\LogFiles\test\SMTPSVC3\ex150219.log|
|2019-04-15T20:12:22.961Z|ERROR|log/input.go:460|Harvester could not be started on new file: C:\Windows\System32\LogFiles\test\SMTPSVC3\ex190415.log, Err: Error setting up harvester: Harvester setup failed. Unexpected file opening error: file info is not identical with opened file. Aborting harvesting and retrying file later again|

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