Filebeat with container type input uses image digest instead of tag (or both) when sending the logs


We are facing an issue with pod logs collected from k8s via Filebeat.
The field "" only contains the digest, the tag is missing.
Not sure wether its a bug, or inteded feature, but we would like to have both available to search. People dont know from the top of their head the digest, but they do know the tag :slight_smile:
We have a standard filebeat configuration (with and without logstash, dependent on environments), both are affected.

Debug from logstash shows it doesnt receive the tag:
"runtime" => "cri-o",
"image" => {
"name" => "registry/asd/debian@sha256:55[..]"

Of course in the pod config we have the whole image (with tag and digest).
Currently developers/testers have to check in the dashboard the image digest, then search for it in kibana, adding a long extra step for debugs.

Any idea how we can include the full image name?

It might be something irrelevant to filebeat.
However, to help us out, can someone describe how filebeat gets the image name to point us in a direction?