Filebeat writting on 2 different indices


I am ELK cluster v8 with filebeat v8.1.0 ot ship application logs.
I have 2 different indices one for proxy and the other for owa.

The name of the indices are:

  • filebeat-8.1.0 for proxy logs
  • filebeat-8.1.0-owa for owa logs

logs config:

if [type] == "filebeat" {
elasticsearch {
       hosts => [" "]
       cacert => '  '
       user => "elas"
       password => ""
       index => "filebeat-8.1.0"
       action => "create"
else if [type] == "owa"
elasticsearch {
         hosts => [ " "]
         cacert => ' '
         user =>  "elas"
         password => " "
          index => "filebeat-8.1.0-owa"
          action => "create"

The owa filebeat is writting to proxy filebeat but not vice versa.


is it related to the index name that is considering filebeat-8.1.0-owa is being a sub of filebeat-*

how to solve this issue and let each one write to its own index.


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