Files skipped in logstash but contained in Sincedb file


My current setup reads gz files from coolpath and forwards them to elasticsearch.

However there are files being left behind in coolpath.

input {
  file {
    id => "my-id"
    path => "/coolpath/*.gz"
    mode => "read"
    sincedb_path => "/home/ftpuser/logstash.sdb"
    file_completed_action => "log_and_delete"
    file_completed_log_path => "/home/ftpuser/logstash.completed"
    sincedb_clean_after => 0.00069445
    file_sort_by => "path"
    discover_interval => 3
    stat_interval => 10

These files do have entries inside of the sincedb file /home/ftpuser/logstash.sdb | grep 202005182003-3411.gz 134217875 0 2058 27050917 1589832337.023037 /home/ftpuser/tdr/input/rta-coll-rta1/local/202005182003-3411.gz.

Unsure how to go about remedying this.

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