Fileset 6.4.0: Error: elasticsearch/log is configured but doesn't exist

I'm using the Filebeat Elasticsearch module introduced in filebeat 6.4.0, but I get this error when I run filebeat:

ERROR	[autodiscover]	cfgfile/list.go:104	Error creating runner from config: Fileset elasticsearch/log is configured but doesn't exist

Any ideas why the Filebeat Elasticsearch module isn't working as expected?

Could you please share your full config formatted using </>?

Please find below the config file. I think the reason why I get the error mentioned above is because I'm running filebeat and elasticsearch inside separate docker containers so filebeat doesn't have access to elasticsearch log path. Sharing a volume between the two containers might resolve the problem.

  enabled: true
  path: /usr/share/filebeat/modules.d/*.yml

    - type: docker
        - condition:
              docker.container.image: elasticsearch
            - module: elasticsearch
                  type: docker
                    path: '/usr/share/filebeat/containers/'
                    stream: 'all'
                      - '${}'

  hosts: '${ES_HOSTS}'
  host: "kibana"

xpack.monitoring.enabled: True

The problem is that Filebeat cannot find the elasticsearch/log fileset you configured. Is /usr/share/filebeat/module is accessible to Filebeat and contains the fileset?

Running the commands below inside the filebeat container indicates that the module filesets are accessible to filebeat:

[root@773170d8886b module]# pwd
[root@773170d8886b module]# ls
apache2  elasticsearch  iis    kibana    mongodb  nginx    postgresql  system
auditd   icinga         kafka  logstash  mysql    osquery  redis       traefik
[root@773170d8886b module]# ls elasticsearch/
audit  deprecation  gc  module.yml  server  slowlog
[root@773170d8886b module]#

I shared a volume between elasticsearch (points to/usr/share/elasticsearch/logs) and filebeat (points to /var/log/elasticsearch) and I change the log fileset to the server fileset in the filebeat config

            - module: elasticsearch
              server:      # <----------------- Using server fileset
                  type: docker

but the only logs being collected is for the gc fileset. I tried different filebsets such as audit, deprecation, slowlog but still I am only getting the gc fileset logs. Listing the content of where the elasticsearch are in filebeat container shows the following:

[root@773170d8886b module]# ls /var/log/elasticsearch/
gc.log     gc.log.01  gc.log.03  gc.log.05  gc.log.07  gc.log.09  gc.log.11
gc.log.00  gc.log.02  gc.log.04  gc.log.06  gc.log.08  gc.log.10  gc.log.12

Listing the content of the elasticsearch logs folder inside the elasticsearch container:

[elasticsearch@e038c94710e0 ~]$ pwd
[elasticsearch@e038c94710e0 ~]$ ls logs/
gc.log     gc.log.01  gc.log.03  gc.log.05  gc.log.07  gc.log.09  gc.log.11
gc.log.00  gc.log.02  gc.log.04  gc.log.06  gc.log.08  gc.log.10  gc.log.12

How do I pick up the other logs for the other filesets, especially the ones being printed to the console?

NOTE: I am using the default log location for all the filebeat elasticsearch filesets which is /var/log/elasticsearch/

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