Filter a CSV with a CSV

I have a log entry from that creates a CSV based log file.
I have been able to filter this in to ELK no problems, but I have one type of log entry that contains comma delimited entries within the column.

an example would be:
<field1>, <field2>, \'<field3, field3.1, field3.2, field3.3, field3.4>\', <field4>

The CSV filter doesn't recognize the escaped characters but does recognize the commas within the escaped field.
This number of entries for is variable I have seen field3.1 - 3.6.

I can create a separate sub filter for this entry type based on fields within the entry. But currently cannot find a way to join all of the 3.x fields together into a single column.

I have tried using add_field, but any extra columns become a string in the log entry and I would like to keep in its own column.

My filter defines the name for each column and when the filter hits this entry type I end up with system defined columns ie "column4 column5 .... " as I end up with an overflow of column names.

I suspect that I may have to use the ruby filter to sort this out, only issue is my is not strong.
Unfortunately this system is air gapped from the internet and I have to manually type any data across.

Just wondering if the brains trust, may be able to help out in solving this problem.

You could try

mutate { gsub => [ "message", ", ",  ",", "message", "\\'", '"' ] }

Once the entire field is double quoted the csv filter should handle it.

Thanks for that, will give it a try today and let you know.
i take it this works by
["message", is the whole entry
," is for each column into the entry
",", not quite sure what this part does but will test
"message", "\\'", '"' ] magic happens here, it does the find and replace.

The entire field has to be in double quotes, so you need to remove the spaces after the commas. That is what the first gsub is doing.

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