Filter and ouput is skipped when apply a tag conditional statement

In my use case, I have around 20 csv to upload, so I prepare 20 logstash config files and add an unique tag for each of them to filter and output conditionally. However, when I run logstash in the directory, only one of the config is being inserted in elastic, obviously another one is being skipped in the "if" statement. I would be appropriated if somebody could point out what did I do wrong here.

Below is the single config file I prepared to simulate the concated config file.

input {
  file {
	tags => ["test1"]
	id => "test1"
    path => "D:/ELK/operation/input/a.csv"
    start_position => "beginning"
    sincedb_path => "D:/ELK/.sincedb"
	mode => "read"
  file {
	tags => ["test2"]
	id => "test2"
    path => "D:/ELK/operation/input/b.csv"
    start_position => "beginning"
    sincedb_path => "D:/ELK/.sincedb"
	mode => "read"
filter {
	if	"test1" in [tags] {
	  csv {
		  separator => ","
		  skip_header => "true"
		columns => ["a","b","c","d"]
	if	"test2" in [tags] {
		csv {
			separator => ","
			skip_header => "true"
			columns => ["a","b","c"]
output {
	if	"test1" in [tags] {
		elasticsearch {
			"hosts" => "https://localhost:443"
			index => "idx_test1"
			action => "create"
			doc_as_upsert => true
			cacert => "D:/ELK/ca_logstash.cer"
			ssl_certificate_verification => false
		stdout { codec => rubydebug { metadata => true } }
	if	"test2" in [tags] {
		elasticsearch {
			"hosts" => "https://localhost:443"
			index => "idx_test2"
			action => "create"
			doc_as_upsert => true
			cacert => "D:/ELK/ca_logstash.cer"
			ssl_certificate_verification => false
		stdout { codec => rubydebug { metadata => true } }

ok, end up i found i missed a "-r" parameter when executing logstash. Below will resolve the issue:

logstash -f -r ./abc.conf

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