Filter mutate replace field value with value of another field

Hoping this is a simple syntax issue,

I'm adding a tag to events from filebeat on the client shipper,

     tag_hostname: "Dev Server"

host value is already present in LS, I want to replace the value of the host field with the value in fields.tag_hostname,

 filter {
 mutate {
    update => { "host" => "[fields.tag_hostname]" }

I've tried all manner of syntax, ("host" => "%{fields.tag_hostname}" , "host" => "%{[fields.tag_hostname}]" etc , none seem to work, host field keeps being replaced with the literal of whatever is between the quotes. Tried without quotes, of course that doesn't work.

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filter {
  mutate {
    update => { "host" => "%{[fields][tag_hostname]}" }

See and the following section.

awesome! that's what I was looking for, thanks for the quick reply!