Filtered Log messages show up as empty fields in Kibana

I have filtered my log message using grok. But when I check Kibana, I find the new fields on the left side of the page, but they are empty. I am also getting the _grokparsefailure tag.

Here's an example of my log message:

[2022-09-28 18:11:25,144] {} INFO - Processing file /opt/airflow/dags/ for tasks to queue

Here's my logstash config file:

input {
  beats {
    port => 5044
    codec => "line"
  grok {
    match => { "message" => "%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp}]%{DATA:class} %{SPACE}%{LOGLEVEL:loglevel} -%{GREEDYDATA:logMessage}" }
    overwrite => [ "message" ]
  date {
    match => [ "timestamp", "MMM dd yyyy HH:mm:ss", "MMM  d yyyy HH:mm:ss", "ISO8601" ]
    target => "@timestamp"
output {
  elasticsearch {
    hosts => ["${IP}:9200"]
    index =>"logss-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"

And here's my filebeat configuration:

- type: filestream
  id: my-filestream-id
  enabled: true
    - /home/ubuntu/logs/**/*.log
  path: /etc/filebeat/modules.d/*.yml
  reload.enabled: false
  index.number_of_shards: 1
  hosts: ["${ip}:5044"]
  - add_host_metadata:
      when.not.contains.tags: forwarded
  - add_cloud_metadata: ~
  - add_docker_metadata: ~
  - add_kubernetes_metadata: ~
  - drop_fields:
      fields: ["agent", "cloud", "ecs", "host", "input", "tags", "log.offset"]
      ignore_missing: true

When I test my log message and the grok pattern I have on Grok Debugger, it works fine. So what am I missing?

Can you give an example of the [message] field on an event that has a _grokparsefailure tag?

I have shared a couple of them below:

Traceback (most recent call last)
[2022-09-23 22:51:02,857] {} INFO - [2022-09-23 22:51:02,857] {} INFO - Sync 1 DAGs 

I am guessing that the error is because they have different patterns? I tried to fix this by having multiple match patterns in my logstash configuration(shared below) but I still get the _groksparse failure in my tag.

 match => { "message" => ["%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp}%{DATA:class} %{SPACE}%{LOGLEVEL:loglevel} -%{GREEDYDATA:logMessage}", "%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp}%{DATA:class} %{SPACE}%{LOGLEVEL:loglevel} -%{GREEDYDATA:logMessage}, execution_date=%{GREEDYDATA:execution_date}, start_date=%{GREEDYDATA:start_date}, end_date=%{GREEDYDATA:end_date}",
   "%{GREEDYDATA:logMessage}" ]}

I do not get a _grokparsefailure for either of those. You might want the first pattern to start with \[%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp}\].

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Add handling for parse failure to know which a line/data cause an error.
You will have the field: "original" in version ELK 8+, or do not overwrite the "message" field.
Avoid GREEDYDATA, use DATA which is faster.

output {
 if "_grokparsefailure" in [tags] {
    elasticsearch {
    hosts => ["${IP}:9200"]
    index =>"logss-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"
    # or save in a file 
    file { path => "/path/grokfailure_%{+YYYY-MM-dd}.txt" }
else {
  elasticsearch {
    hosts => ["${IP}:9200"]
    index =>"logss-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"
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That's strange, because I am getting _grokparsefailure for messages without timestamp or Loglevel, and also empty messages.

How can I handle empty messages and messages without timestamp, like these

message: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tags: _grokparsefailure
message: AIRFLOW_CTX_EXECUTION_DATE=2022-09-29T14:04:11.795487+00:00 tags: _grokparsefailure

If message starts with ---
if ([message] =~ /^-{3}/ { ... }
If message starts with [date]
if ([message] =~ /^\[\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/ { ... }

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If that is one of your pattern it should always match and you should never get a _grokparsefailure tag. That suggests that you are not running with the configuration that you think you are.

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