Filtered Logstash for desired part


I have a log, and I only want to retrieve the ones I have marked in red boxes. I've tried putting it in Elasticsearch but it inserts it every row in that log. How do you take the data that I have marked and combine it into a single row?

The following is an example of the log

Task with ID = 119 is waiting for the message to arrive on the queue 1294598175.
=>bpc_wait_for_event (comm_utils.c)
=>bpc_select (pipe_utils.c)
Using select() to wait for an event to occur at 10:00:02 
Event selector just had 1 fd(s) triggered at 10:00:02 
=>process_incoming_data (tcp_main.c)
=>reset_device_idle_timers (tcp_main.c)
=>receive_incoming_message (tcp_xfer.c)
=>receive_ncr_message (tcp_xfer.c)
=>tcp_receive_data (tcp_xfer.c)
=>bpc_sock_recv (comm_utils.c)
=>tcp_receive_data (tcp_xfer.c)
=>bpc_sock_recv (comm_utils.c)       0210F33840098A80       8002000000000200       0006166034948820       2262123910000000       7795760002240959       5500000000416954       0959550224601139       6111111100000000       0080645000500048       141695453S1AW15R
4E.       N360004090013165       0088220000003451                                     003451          
Received 198 bytes of data from device #600, sending to CROUTer
=>raw_msgx2sv_msg (tag_utils.c)

    ************************ Header Fields *************************
    orgdev:     600             utrnno:     0
    orgid:      0               reversal:   0
    destid:     0               repeat:     0
    last_task_id:   119             fintran:    0
    msgtype:    51              phase:      0
    task_msgtype:   0               balances:   0
    respreq:    0               stood_in_for:   0
    resp_qid:   -1              issuer_posted:  0
    smsgno:     0               sv_trace:   0
    nwindicator:    0               timestamp:  0
    devinfo:    []
    hpan:       []
    fld_flags:  00000000000000000000
    sys_msg_no: 0

msgsnd_w_retry [dst task: COMMSINT, time: 24/02/2020 10:00:02.0358]: Msg sent to queue 1293844488

You can use ruby for regex.

      ruby {
	  code =>  "  event.set('msgfilter', event.get('message').scan(/\s{7}[a-zA-Z0-9]+(?=\r\n|\s*\r\nReceived)/) ) "
	  id => "ruby-counter"
       # merge array of strings
       mutate { join => { "msgfilter" => "" }  }
	   # remove spaces
	   mutate { gsub => [ "msgfilter", " " , "" ] }


"msgfilter" => "0210F33840098A8080020000000002000006166034948820226212391000000077957600022409595500000000416954095955022460113961111111000000000080645000500048141695453S1AW15RN3600040900131650088220000003451003451"

Before that, I'm sorry because I just learning to use elastic. I've tried the ruby filter you provided but the result is still the same. Did I write it wrong? Thank you

Here the logstash

input {
    beats {
        port => "5044"
filter {
	ruby {
	  code =>  "  event.set('msgfilter', event.get('message').scan(/\s{7}[a-zA-Z0-9]+(?=\r\n|\s*\r\nReceived)/) ) "
	  id => "ruby-counter"
       # merge array of strings
       mutate { join => { "msgfilter" => "" }  }
	   # remove spaces
	   mutate { gsub => [ "msgfilter", " " , "" ] }
output {
    elasticsearch {
        hosts => [ "localhost:9200" ]

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