Filtering json fields to be outputted by logstash


I am using logstash 5.4 to read a json interaction from kafka and then filter it so that:

  1. interaction will be dropped unless field exist
  2. only fields and car.model are outputted

My config looks like this:

input {
kafka {
topics => members
bootstrap_servers => "***"
codec => "json"
group_id => "members"
filter {
if ![car][name] {
drop { }
prune {
whitelist_names => [
output {
stdout {
codec => "json"

Input and output example:

How do I make the config correct, so that only the whitelisted fields are being outputted?

Unfortunately the prune filter doesn't support subfields. For now you'll have to use a ruby filter to prune the subfields of the car field.

I have got around that problem by first using the mutate -> add_field plugin to flatten the json and then used the prune filter on the new flattened field.

mutate {
add_field => {
"" => "%{[car][name]}"
"car.model" => "%{[car][model]}"
prune {
whitelist_names => [

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