From SQL Server Management Studio to Elastic Search: config file

Good Evening.

I'm new on the ELK stack and for the first time I'm trying to import some data from SQL Server Manamenet Studio database to the ElasticSearch.
I know there is the necessity to download a driver to use the jdbc plug in, but I didn't understand where to find it and where to place it after the download.

Next, I need to configure my config file, but i don't know where to find the informations I need to prepare it. I think a good format may be the following:

input {
jdbc {
jdbc_driver_library => "..."
jbdc_driver_class => "..."
jdbc_connection_string =>"..."
jdbc_user => "..."
jdbc_password => "..."
statement => "SELECT * from table"
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts=> ["localhost:9200"]
index => "table"
user => "user"
password ="changeme"

stdout { codec => rubydebug { metadata => true }  } 
# stdout { codec => dots } 

I don't know what to put into:

jdbc_driver_library => "..."
jbdc_driver_class => "..."
jdbc_connection_string =>"..."
jdbc_user => "..."
 user => "..."
password ="..."

Someone can suggest me where to find the information to fill these fields? I'm using SQL Server Management Studio as Windows Authentication.... so can I remove the USER and PASSWORD statements?

Thank you very much.

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