Hi All,
I'm trying to store the original RabbitMQ payload to orig_msg field with Logstash, but the payload itself contains a filed called message. Logstash add_field mutate { add_field => { "orig_msg" => "%{message}" } } crates the orig_msg filed with the value in the message field within the payload. How can I store the original payload in the orig_msg filed?
My Logstash pipeline:
input { rabbitmq { host => ["rabbitmq.xyz.local"] queue => "queue_1" heartbeat => 30 durable => true password => "password" user => "user" } } filter { mutate { add_field => { "orig_msg" => "%{message}" } } if [@metadata][rabbitmq_properties][timestamp] { date { match => ["[@metadata][rabbitmq_properties][timestamp]", "UNIX"] } } } output { elasticsearch { hosts => "localhost:9200" index => "index_1" user => "elastic_user" password => "password" } stdout { codec => rubydebug { metadata => true } } }
The test payload:
{"time":"2019-07-09T11:04:04.944+0200", "severity": "INFO", "service": "agent-test", "trace": "", "span": "", "parent": "", "exportable": "", "pid": "5760", "thread": "main", "class": "", "method": "", "evaluationTime": "", "message": "The following profiles are active: test", "params": "", "headers": ""}