Geo_shape - geo link problems with coordinates


I've got index with geo_shape type field.
I can POST doc via dev_tool:

For example:
POST test/doc
"geo_link" : {
"type": "LineString",
"coordinates": [

But when I try to post records via logstash I've got error: "geo coordinates must be numbers".

Logstash file:
input {...}
filter {
mutate {
add_field => [ "[geo_link][type]", "linestring" ]
add_field => [ "[geo_link][coordinates]",[[ -87.623177, 41.881832], [ -86.623177, 42.881832]] ]
output {...}

I tried many combinations of coordination number but I always have the same error.

I have the same problem , how to do indexing correctly a linestring via logstash?

That results in

  "geo_link" => {
           "type" => "linestring",
    "coordinates" => [
        [0] "[-87.623177, 41.881832]",
        [1] "[-86.623177, 42.881832]"

for me. You can split it up

        add_field => {
            "[geo_link][type]" =>  "linestring"
            "[geo_link][coordinates][0]" => [ -87.623177, 41.881832]
            "[geo_link][coordinates][1]" => [ -87.623177, 41.881833]

which results in

  "geo_link" => {
           "type" => "linestring",
    "coordinates" => {
        "1" => [
            [0] "-87.623177",
            [1] "41.881833"
        "0" => [
            [0] "-87.623177",
            [1] "41.881832"

Note that these coordinates are all strings, not numbers. You may need to mutate+convert them.

Thanks for reply.
But now I have message: "coordinates cannot be specified as objects"

I tried:
add_field => [ "[geo_link][type]", "linestring" ]
add_field => [ "[geo_link][coordinates][0]", "[ -87.623177, 41.881832 ]" ]
add_field => [ "[geo_link][coordinates][1]", "[ -87.623177, 41.881832 ]" ]

    convert => { "[geo_link][coordinates][0]" => "float" }
    convert => { "[geo_link][coordinates][1]" => "float" }


I also tried:
add_field => [ "[geo_link][type]", "linestring" ]
add_field => [ "[geo_link][coordinates][0][lat]", " -87.623177" ]
add_field => [ "[geo_link][coordinates][0][lon]", "41.881832" ]
add_field => [ "[geo_link][coordinates][1][lat]", " -87.623177" ]
add_field => [ "[geo_link][coordinates][1][lon]", "41.881832" ]

but the same result.

I also tried:
add_field => [ "[geo_link][type]", "linestring" ]
add_field => [ "[geo_link][coordinates][0][0]", " -87.623177" ]
add_field => [ "[geo_link][coordinates][0][1]", "41.881832" ]
add_field => [ "[geo_link][coordinates][1][0]", " -87.623177" ]
add_field => [ "[geo_link][coordinates][1][1]", "41.881832" ]

but the same result.

I cannot see a way to create an array of arrays of floats using mutate. So use ruby

    mutate {
        add_field => {
            "[geo_link][type]" =>  "linestring"
    ruby {
        code => '
            event.set("[geo_link][coordinates]", [[ -87.623171, 41.881832], [ -87.623177, 41.881833]])

which results in

  "geo_link" => {
           "type" => "linestring",
    "coordinates" => [
        [0] [
            [0] -87.623171,
            [1] 41.881832
        [1] [
            [0] -87.623177,
            [1] 41.881833
1 Like

Thank you for sharing this workaround!

Exactly ! Thanks a lot.

Works perfectly !!
Many thanks

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